Page 59 - Plastics News July 2024
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          to local policy changes like higher tipping fees for  When Ajit Perera, vice president of post-consumer
          waste than for recycling. More broadly, he said the  operations at Talco Plastics in California, joined the
          recycling industry needs to tell its story in a better  state’s advisory board for its recycled-content law,
          and more unified way, echoing comments from Al-      he was the only plastics person in the room.
          exander and others.
                                                               “Everyone wants to demonize plastics, let’s not use
          “It is showing what happens to the product, show-    plastics, let’s go to something different, paper, so on
          ing what a recycled material does versus a virgin  and so forth,” he said of his fellow board members.
          material,” he said, adding that he objects to the pe-  “And I said my mantra here is actually to take the
          jorative term “downcycling” when his company turns  devil out of the plastics.
          a single-use item into one that can last decades.
                                                               “I think we should all be passionate and we should
          “We tend to look for a silver bullet. Chemical recy-  push the word out that plastic is here to stay, and it
          cling’s  going  to  save  us  all,  some  EPR  is  going  to  can be only sustained if we recycle it,” Perera went
          save us all, right? And it’s not,” King said. “It’s col-  on. “It’s up to us to go out there and breach.”
          laboration, it’s working together.”                                           Source – Resource Recycling

          Major investors sign up to address

          plastic pollution

          A group of 70 institutional investors, including sever-  pollution crisis,” Kozlowski added.
          al pension funds such as the Local Authority Pension
          Fund Forum (LAPFF), Batirente, Strathclyde Pension   The urgency of the issue is underscored by some
          Fund, VBV Vorsorgekasse, and Dutch schemes PMT,      alarming predictions made by the group. Plastic
          PME and Stichting Pensioenfonds voor Huisartsen,     production is predicted to triple by 2060, and life-
          are calling on companies to tackle plastic pollution   cycle emissions expected to double, accounting for
          and fossil fuel dependence.                          4.5% of global emissions. Additionally, plastic poly-
                                                               mers contain toxic chemicals, resulting in health im-
          The group, which also includes Legal & General In-   pacts such as diabetes, obesity, fertility issues, and
          vestment Management, Pictet Group, Nordea Asset  cancers.
          Management,  Achmea  Investment  Management,         Institutional support
          Robeco, MN, Abrdn, Rockefeller Asset Management,
          Rathbones Group, and Storebrand Asset Manage-        The initiative comes at a time when investors have
          ment,  has  signed  a  statement  issued  by  financial  recognised the risks posed by the plastics economy,
          think tank Planet Tracker.                           while determined to ensure alignment of business
                                                               practices with global sustainability goals such as the
          “Petrochemical companies are the source of the       Paris Climate Agreement and the Kunming-Montre-
          raw  materials  plastics  are  made  of.  They  take  the   al Global Biodiversity Framework.
          fossil fuel feedstocks and turn them into the poly-
          mers which are then melted, extruded and formed  The collective statement urges investors and their
          into the plastics other corporations use,” said Planet  representatives with exposure to the plastics value
          Tracker’s head of engagement, Nicole Kozlowski.      chain to request petrochemical companies produc-
                                                               ing plastic polymers to disclose and define strate-
          “Petrochemical companies are firmly embedded in      gies, address toxic polymers and chemicals by com-
          the plastics value chain and therefore in the plastic   mitting to eliminating hazardous chemicals in their

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