Page 61 - Plastics News July 2024
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          sulting in a bigger carbon footprint, they are not in-  try Association “regarding the feasibility of recycling
          tended to be reused and consumers will have to pay  and  the  evolution  of  the  organization’s  campaign
          more for them.”                                      surrounding  the  recyclability  of  plastic,”  his  office
                                                               stated in a recent release. And Bonta sought docu-
          The newly formed group doesn’t dispute that plas-    ments  describing  an  ACC-funded  study  submitted
          tic  bag  recycling  needs  substantial  improvement.   to the Federal Trade Commission “in an attempt to
          But rather than banning the reusable plastic bags,   modify  the  existing  definition  of  recycled  content
          it advocates for bringing them into the emerging     and other definitions relevant to their campaign to
          extended  producer  responsibility  for  packaging   expand chemical recycling,” his office announced.
          program, SB 54. This would improve bag recycling
          in the state, maintain a significant market for post-  On  May  24,  legal  counsel  for  ACC  filed  a  federal
          consumer resin and do so with the financial respon-  complaint against Bonta, alleging to the U.S. District
          sibility falling to producers.                       Court for the District of Columbia that Bonta’s ac-
                                                               tions amounted to “an attempt by a state attorney
          Spiekerman pointed out that “plastic film bag pro-   general to use the powers of his office to punish a
          ducers, as defined by SB 54, are the ones who will   private party for presenting views to a federal agen-
          pay to fund the plastics collection infrastructure and   cy  that  conflict  with  the  policy  positions  that  the
          the system wide improvements necessary to ensure     state official supports.”
          that plastic film is recycled.”
                                                               The complaint noted Bonta and ACC both testified
          EFS-Plastics previously estimated California’s PCR   to the FTC about updates to its Green Guides, on op-
          requirement  for  reusable  plastic  bags  contributes   posing sides of the chemical recycling debate, and it
          to at least 100 million pounds per year of recycled   alleged his subpoenas were an effort to learn about
          resin demand, while the American Recyclable Plastic   ACC’s advocacy and “hinder its political engagement
          Bag Alliance industry group has estimated the de-    on the same policy issue that his office and ACC and
          mand is as high as 183 million pounds per year.      its members disagree.”

          SB 1053 was approved by the state Senate in May      On May 28, Bonta’s office announced neither organ-
          and was referred to the state Assembly. On July 1,   ization  had  adequately  responded  to  the  subpoe-
          the Assembly Committee on Natural Resources vot-     nas, and he petitioned Sacramento County Superior
          ed to approve the bill with minor amendments. Next   Court to order the organizations to respond.
          it goes to the committee on Appropriations before
          facing a floor vote.                                 “The continuous delay tactics are failing to com-

          Wider scrutiny on plastics in California             ply with our subpoena,” Bonta said in the release.
                                                               “Enough is enough: What are they trying to hide?”
          The proposed ban expansion comes as the Califor-
          nia  Attorney  General’s  office  is  scrutinizing  plastic   Last week, legal counsel for ACC asked the court to
          bag manufacturers, including producers of recycled-  quash Bonta’s request to the California court until
          content bags, and two key plastics industry groups.  the federal case is ruled on.

          The bag producer scrutiny began in 2022, when At-    “Rather than rest on the persuasiveness of his advo-
          torney  General  Rob  Bonta  asked  Novolex,  Revolu-  cacy, Bonta has chosen to wield the power he holds
          tion, Inteplast, Advance Polybag, Metro Polybag and   as California’s top prosecutor to harass and retaliate
          Papier-Mettler to prove their bags are recyclable.   against those on the other side of a policy divide,”
          Separately, Bonta in 2022 and 2023 issued subpoe-    ACC’s legal counsel wrote.
          nas to the Plastics Industry Association and Ameri-  A  hearing  on  ACC’s  motion  to  stop  the  California
          can Chemistry Council, respectively, seeking docu-   proceedings is set for Sept. 18. Meanwhile, the Plas-
          ments  related  to  the  organizations’  claims  about   tics Industry Association has not yet responded to
          recycling.                                           Bonta’s latest court action.

          Bonta sought documents from the Plastics Indus-                         Source – Plastics Recycling Update

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