Page 60 - Plastics News July 2024
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          products and publicly report progress, as well as  chemicals are at the very source of plastic pollution,
          develop sustainable infrastructure and establish  degrading our natural world and posing significant
          governance and accountability for sustainability  financial risks. Petrochemical companies should not
          commitments  at  board  level,  linking  management  be exempt from these policies and must understand
          compensation to circularity goals.                   business as usual is not an option”.

          Alex Burr, senior ESG policy and nature lead at Legal                                        Source – IPE
          &  General  Investment  Management,  said:  “Petro-

          Recycling firms unite to oppose reus-

          able plastic bag ban

               eeking  to  quash  a  regulatory  change  that  In a statement, Roxanne Spiekerman, vice president
               would remove over 100 million pounds of  of public affairs for PreZero US, said that by banning
          SNorth American post-consumer resin demand  the reusable plastic film bags that contain PCR, the
          per year, EFS-Plastics, Merlin Plastics and PreZero  legislation would “force Californians to choose be-
          US have joined together to advocate for retaining  tween two options, both of which carry with them
          recycled-content reusable plastic bags in California’s  negative environmental challenges.”
          bag regulations.
                                                               “The  canvas  and  sewn  poly-woven  or  non-woven
          The Responsible Recycling Alliance is calling for Cali-  polypropylene bags are not recyclable by any known
          fornia lawmakers to abandon Senate Bill 1053 and  method  in  the  U.S.,  contain  zero  post-consumer
          its companion legislation, Assembly Bill 2236, which  content, and are typically imported from overseas,”
          would expand the state’s bag ban to prohibit reus-   Spiekerman  said.  “Similarly,  paper  bags  consume
          able bags made from 40% post-consumer resin.         more water and energy during production and re-
                                                               cycling than reusable plastic film grocery bags, re-

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