Page 66 - Plastics News July 2024
P. 66


          Covestro teams up with Alibaba Cloud

          to advance sustainable plastics trace-


          ♦   Joint solutions to enhance supply chain trans-   consumer products leveraging digital technology
             parency of sustainable plastics                   such as blockchain. It also provides an end-to-end
          ♦   Carbon accounting and tracing platform em-       solution  for industrial companies  to measure  and
             powered by digital technology                     optimize their carbon footprint across their produc-
                                                               tion lifecycle.
          ♦   Proven use case in the consumer goods sector
                                                               “As a materials manufacturer with a high focus on
                                                               sustainable material innovation, Covestro is com-
                                                               mitted to driving circularity and climate neutrality.
                                                               Our collaboration with Alibaba Cloud marks a sig-
                                                               nificant milestone in our journey towards a circular
                                                               and climate-neutral future,” says Lily Wang, Global
                                                               Head of the Engineering Plastics Business Entity, at
                                                               Covestro. “With our joint solutions, we are support-
                                                               ing our customers to improve their supply chain
                                                               transparency while building trust among environ-
                                                               mentally conscious consumers, thereby driving in-
                                                               dustries towards a greener future.”

                riven by rising consumer expectations and      “We are proud to partner with Covestro in pioneer-
                regulatory  requirements,  it’s  becoming  in-  ing sustainable solutions that drive positive environ-
          Dcreasingly  essential  to  measure  the  utiliza-   mental impact,” says William Xiong, Vice President
          tion of sustainable materials and their associated   of  Alibaba  Cloud  Intelligence.  “By  leveraging  our
          carbon footprint data along the value chain. Achiev-  advanced cloud infrastructure and expertise in sus-
          ing this goal demands not only close collaboration   tainability technology, we are enabling value chain
          across the value chain but also the availability of   partners to trace materials with enhanced trans-
          tools to enable traceability. Materials manufacturer   parency and efficiency as well as to optimize their
          Covestro has embraced this challenge by forging a    carbon footprint to achieve their sustainability tar-
          partnership with Alibaba Cloud, the digital technol-  get. This partnership exemplifies the transformative
          ogy  and  intelligence  backbone  of  Alibaba  Group.   power of technology in creating a more sustainable
          Together, they will provide downstream industries    future.”
          starting in Asia with essential solutions and tools to   The joint solutions offered by the two parties have
          enhance supply chain transparency through ena-       already been implemented in the consumer goods
          bling carbon accounting and tracing for sustainable   sector. For example, Covestro collaborated with
          materials.                                           China’s leading beverage maker Nongfu Spring to
          Under this partnership, one of Covestro’s key roles is   recycle its 19-litre water barrels into post-consumer
          to provide more sustainable plastic solutions along   recycled polycarbonate.
          with  their  carbon  footprint  data.  Alibaba  Cloud’s                                 Source - Covestro
          Energy Expert, an AI-driven sustainability platform,
          plays a crucial role in realizing the whole life cycle
          emission accounting from recycled materials to final

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