Page 62 - Plastics News July 2024
P. 62


          WHO and GMDN agency sign agreement

                                                               is up to date and accurate on WHO platforms and
                                                               helping with any WHO publications that reference
               The World Health Organization (WHO) and
               the Global Medical Device Nomenclature          This will improve communication about medical de-
                                                               vices between the WHO, medical device regulators,
               (GMDN) Agency announce a new collabora-         healthcare providers, and others in the health sec-
               tion to improve the management and safety       tor.
               of medical devices used around the world.       Speaking about the partnership, Deniz Bruce, CEO
                                                               of the GMDN Agency said: “Our new collaboration
                                                               with  the  World  Health  Organisation  represents  a
                                                               significant  breakthrough  for  patients  around  the
                                                               world. With full access to the GMDN, the WHO now
                                                               has use of the GMDN nomenclature system for
                                                               medical devices, enabling safer and more effective
               he landmark new relationship will initially see  patient care.
               the WHO using 3,000 GMDN Terms, Codes and
          TDefinitions within its online medical device in-    “Co-ordinating more closely with the WHO is a great
                                                               step forward for the GMDN Agency. GMDN adop-
          formation platforms such as the MeDevIS (Priority    tion  benefits  all  stakeholders  by  providing  a  com-
          Medical Devices Information System), an open ac-
          cess WHO electronic database of medical devices.     mon language that improves communication, effi-
                                                               ciency, and safety in the medical device industry.”
          The agreement between the two organisations will     GMDN offers a universal naming system for medical
          see colleagues from the GMDN providing support
          to  the  WHO  via  consultation,  database  manage-  devices, serving as a common language that facili-
          ment, data analysis, and ensuring the nomenclature   tates regulatory compliance and enhances patient
                                                               safety across the globe.

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