Page 65 - Plastics News July 2024
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          Fespa achieves ISO certification for

          sustainable event management

              espa has achieved ISO 20121:2012 certification  CEO  Neil  Felton  said:  “We  are  thrilled  to  have
              for Sustainable Event Management, an interna-    achieved  the  ISO  20121:2012  certification,  which
          Ftionally recognised standard for implementing  proves our dedication to delivering environmentally
          an  effective  and  sustainable  event  management  responsible events and championing the need for
          system.                                              the  sectors  we  represent  to  make  continued  pro-
                                                               gress  on  sustainability.  Our  team  recognises  the
          The  organisation  said  the  accreditation  solidifies   importance of operating our events in a manner
          its  long-standing  commitment  to  implement  en-   that delivers exceptional value to our attendees and
          vironmental best practices in its own operations,    exhibitors, while also prioritising environmental re-
          minimise the environmental impact of its events,     sponsibility and community engagement. We look
          increase positive community engagement with re-      forward to delivering our 2025 events in accordance
          gard to sustainable manufacturing practices, and     with the certified sustainable events management
          motivate print businesses to take concrete steps to-  system, and we hope our example inspires our com-
          wards more sustainable operation.                    munity to look at ways of optimising their sustain-
          Fespa said its 2025 flagship events in Berlin will be   ability performance.”
          the first in the speciality print sector to be run under   Separately, Fespa has also launched its latest Awards
          the  certification,  which  provides  a  comprehensive   programme. The  competition is  open for submis-
          framework for organisers to prioritise sustainability   sions from speciality print providers and signmakers
          without compromising on quality or success.          to showcase their most outstanding projects, with

          To achieve the ISO certification, Fespa implemented   winners set to be recognised at the co-located Fes-
          an extensive range of policies and procedures to ad-  pa Global Print Expo, European Sign Expo and Per-
          dress key, measurable objectives, including: waste   sonalisation Experience events in Berlin next year.
          reduction,  energy  efficiency,  carbon  emissions  re-  Fespa’s head of association and technical lead and
          duction, and stakeholder engagement.                 one  of  the  2025  Awards  judges,  Graeme  Richard-

          These activities and the system were independently   son-Locke, said: “Speaking on behalf of the judges,
          audited and verified by the British Standards Insti-  we all hope to be surprised by new levels of techni-
          tute (BSI) certified awarding body under certificate   cal excellence and clear evidence that the entry has
          number  SEMS  799937,  affirming  Fespa’s  demon-    been created with the greatest care, reflecting the
          stration of best-in-class sustainable event manage-  professional standards that we’ve seen over many
          ment services to its exhibitors and visitors.        years. For entries this year, we’re interested in see-
                                                               ing the use of appropriate and sustainable materi-
          Fespa said it has also measured its carbon footprint  als, reflecting the wider industry’s goal of reducing
          at its UK-based headquarters for three consecutive  its environmental impact.”
          years without a regulatory obligation and is install-                                 Source – PrintWeek
          ing solar panels to generate renewable energy.

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