Page 64 - Plastics News July 2024
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             beverages with the slogan “Cut the carbon,  cycled through the market.
             not the convenience.” Their system integrates     ♦   Thrilling connects consumers with second-hand
             technology with sustainability, allowing users to     and vintage stores across the United States. By
             track their container usage and impact through        facilitating the resale of pre-owned clothing and
             an  app.  Muuse  offers  a  convenient  and  eco-     accessories,  Thrilling  reduces  the  demand  for
             friendly alternative to disposable packaging and      new plastic-based products, such as polyester
             operates in Canada, Hong Kong, and Singapore,         garments. This approach helps manage plastic
             with plans to expand to the US.                       waste  while  making  fashion  more  sustainable

          ♦   RePack provides reusable and returnable pack-        and affordable.
             aging solutions for e-commerce. Customers         Refill Packaging
             receive their orders in RePack bags, which they
             return via mail for reuse. This system reduces  ♦     Algramo, a Chilean startup, offers refill stations
             single-use packaging and encourages circular-         in NYC for everyday products such as cleaning
             ity.                                                  supplies and personal care items. Consumers
          Resale Start-ups                                         bring  their  containers  to  the  station  and  refill
                                                                   them, paying only for the product, not the pack-
                                                                   aging. Algramo’s model is both environmentally
                                                                   friendly  and  economically  beneficial,  making
                                                                   sustainable living accessible to everyone.

                                                               Reuse,  resale,  and  refill  systems  offer  viable  solu-
                                                               tions to the plastic waste crisis. Initiatives like Cup-
                                                               Club, Muuse, RePack, Algramo, and Thrilling dem-
                                                               onstrate the potential of these business models to
                                                               reduce waste and cut carbon emissions. However,
                                                               consumers, businesses, and governments must col-
                                                               laborate to promote these systems.
                                                                                       Source – Plastics Engineering
          Resale systems involve selling previously used plas-
          tic products, extending their lifespan, and reducing
          the need for new items. This approach promotes a
          circular economy, where products are continually

          Indorama Ventures launches ‘PET

          Youth Camp for Sustainable

                angkok, July 8, 2024 – Indorama Ventures, a  Students learned about the different types of waste,
                global sustainable chemical company, col-      plastics, and recycling innovation to address the
          Blaborated with the Bangkok Metropolitan Ad-         global plastic waste problem. Moreover, they re-
          ministration  (BMA)  and  the  Department  of  Educa-  ceived training on communication and leadership
          tion under the BMA to host the ‘PET Youth Camp for  skills so that they can lead change in their schools
          Sustainable Plastic Management’ program.             and communities. Participants also had the oppor-
                                                               tunity  to  visit  Wongpanit  Suvarnabhumi  Recycle
          The  camp  brought  together  60  teachers  and  stu-  Station to gain hands-on experience in waste man-
          dents from 20 BMA schools to engage in activities    agement and PET recycling and learn about waste
          that foster young leadership in managing PET waste.  sorting and the value of PET waste.

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