Page 44 - Plastics News June 2024
P. 44


          Understanding Polymer Degradation: Challenges and Solutions in

          the Plastics Industry

                                                                                 sure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation from
                                                                                 sunlight. UV light can break down the
                                                                                 chemical bonds in  polymers, leading
                                                                                 to discoloration, brittleness,  and loss
                                                                                 of mechanical strength.
                                                                                 3. Oxidative Degradation

                                                                                 Oxidative degradation involves the re-
                                                                                 action of polymers with oxygen. This
                                                                                 process is accelerated  by heat and
                                                                                 light and results in the formation of
                                                                                 free radicals, which further propagate
                                                                                 4. Hydrolytic Degradation

                                                                                 Hydrolytic degradation is caused by
                                                                                 the  reaction  of  polymers  with  water.
                                                                                 This type of degradation is significant
                                                                                 in polymers that are used in humid or
                                                                                 aquatic environments.

                                                                                 5. Biodegradation
                                                                                 Biodegradation involves  the  break-
                                                                                 down of polymers by microorganisms.
                                                                                 While this can be advantageous for
                                                                                 biodegradable plastics, it poses a chal-
          Introduction:                      process  by  which  polymer  materials  lenge for conventional plastics that are
                                             undergo  structural  changes,  result-  not designed to degrade in the envi-
                  olymers, often  referred  to   ing in the loss of their properties and  ronment.
                  as plastics, have revolution-  functionality. This degradation can be
                  ized industries ranging from   physical, chemical, or biological, and it   III. Factors Influencing Polymer Deg-
                  packaging to automotive to   impacts the mechanical, thermal, and   radation
          healthcare.  Their versatility,  durabil-  optical properties of the polymer.  Several factors influence the rate and
          ity, and cost-effectiveness have made                                  extent of polymer degradation:
          them  indispensable  in modern soci-  II. Types of Polymer Degradation
          ety. However, one critical aspect that   1. Thermal Degradation        Temperature: Higher temperatures ac-
          influences their lifecycle, performance,                               celerate the degradation process.
          and environmental impact is polymer   Thermal  degradation  occurs  when   Light  Exposure:  Prolonged  exposure
          degradation. Understanding the mech-  polymers are exposed  to high tem-  to UV light increases the rate of photo-
          anisms, challenges, and solutions as-  peratures,  causing  the  breakdown  of   degradation.
          sociated  with  polymer  degradation  is   molecular bonds. This type of degra-
          essential  for  enhancing  the  longevity   dation is common during processing   Oxygen: The presence of oxygen facili-
          and sustainability of plastic products.  and manufacturing.            tates oxidative degradation.

          I. What is Polymer Degradation?    2. Photo-Degradation                Moisture:  Water  can  promote  hydro-
                                                                                 lytic degradation.
          Polymer degradation refers to the   Photo-degradation is induced by expo-

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