Page 48 - Plastics News June 2024
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          ing materials  throughout  their entire  material selection.           Furthermore, as the global population
          life cycle, from production to disposal.   LCA Challenges              and consumerism rise, transitioning
          This systematic approach helps manu-                                   to  sustainable  food  packaging solu-
          facturers  minimize  negative  environ-  Despite  its  benefits,  LCA  encounters  tions such as biopolymers, supported
          mental impacts at various stages of the  challenges like data sensitivity and  by thorough LCAs, becomes increas-
          product life cycle. The LCA process,  commonly  used linear assumptions  ingly crucial. This approach addresses
          structured in stages—goal and scope  in analysis. Additionally, the accuracy  environmental concerns and supports
          definition,  inventory  analysis,  impact  of LCA results largely depends on the  the circular economy, enhancing the
          assessment,  and  interpretation—en-  quality  of  data  and  specific  regional  sustainability of the food packaging
          sures a comprehensive assessment of  and temporal factors that impact envi-  sector.
          environmental impacts and guides im-  ronmental effects.                        Source – Plastic Engineering
          provements  in packaging  design and

          There’s a Simple New Way to Recycle Polystyrene

          At a Glance                            deployment.                     from packaging, packing “peanuts”,
                                                                                 cushioning, and other sources is recy-
          •   Pyrolysis  followed  by  distillation                              cled.
             enables efficient recycling.    Despite  the  best  efforts  of  suppliers
          •   Up  to  60%  of  polystyrene  could  and  industry  groups,  polystyrene  is   Worse, polystyrene that isn’t recycled
                                                                                 ends up in landfills, oceans, rivers, or
             be recycled vs. less than 5% now.  generally  viewed  as  unrecyclable  and   beaches where it sheds microplastics
                                             therefore environmentally unfriendly.
          •   The use of proven technologies                                     for decades.
             means  the  process  is poised for  In  fact,  less  than  5%  of  polystyrene
                                                                                 However,  a  new  analysis  from  re-

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