Page 47 - Plastics News June 2024
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         waste sent to landfills but also repur-  ity of this innovative recycling method.  highlights the potential for such inno-
         poses it into useful products. Looking   By turning plastic waste into functional   vative recycling solutions to contribute
         forward, the researchers advocate for   paving blocks, this study provides a   significantly to environmental sustain-
         the optimization of the conversion pro-  promising  path  forward  in  the  global   ability.
         cess to further minimize energy con-  effort  to tackle plastic  pollution and   Source – Plastic Engineering
         sumption and enhance the sustainabil-

          Transforming Food Packaging: The Shift to Biopolymers?


                                                                                 Biopolymers are emerging as a viable
                                                                                 solution to the problems  posed  by
                                                                                 synthetic  polymers.  These  naturally
                                                                                 degradable  materials,  derived  from
                                                                                 renewable  sources,  include  natural
                                                                                 biopolymers,  synthetic  biodegradable
                                                                                 polymers, and microbial polyesters.
                                                                                 Starch-based  biopolymers,  for  exam-
                                                                                 ple, are increasingly used in food pack-
                                                                                 aging due to their biodegradability and
                                                                                 reduced environmental footprint. They
                                                                                 are being developed to overcome natu-
                                                                                 ral limitations such as brittleness and
                                                                                 permeability, enhancing their applica-
                                                                                 tion in various industries, particularly
                                                                                 in packaging.
                                                                                 Advancements in Nanotechnology
                                                                                 The integration of nanotechnology into
                                                                                 food packaging introduces properties
                                                                                 like improved  mechanical  resistance,
                                                                                 thermal  stability, and antimicrobial
                                                                                 activity. Nanoparticles can also enable
                                                                                 the packaging to detect and signal bio-
                                                                                 chemical changes in food, enhancing
                  ife cycle assessment  (LCA)  propylene, and polystyrene, however,  safety and quality during the product’s
                  has emerged as a key tool  are not easily degradable and contrib-  shelf  life. These  innovations  not only
                  for  analyzing  the  environ-  ute significantly to global waste issues.  improve the functionality of packag-
                  mental impact of plastics,  According to Jalal Sadeghizadeh-Yaz-  ing but also its environmental per-
         leading to a growing interest in biopol-  di’s study published in the Journal of  formance  by potentially  reducing the
         ymers as a sustainable alternative.  Nutrition and Food Security, the envi-  amount of material used and enhanc-
         Food packaging serves  critical func-  ronmental and economic costs of food  ing recyclability.
         tions  in maintaining food  safety  and   waste  amount  to  approximately  $2.6   Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) in Pack-
         extending shelf life by protecting prod-  trillion  annually, including  associated   aging
         ucts from moisture, microorganisms,   greenhouse  gas  emissions  which  ac-
         and external contaminants. Traditional   count for 6.8% of global emissions.  LCA plays a crucial role in evaluating
         materials such as polyethylene, poly-  Biopolymers: A Sustainable Alterna-  the environmental impacts of packag-

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