Page 46 - Plastics News June 2024
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                                                                                                                                                                                                                            TURNING WORKPLACES                    TURNING WORKPLACES

          Life Cycle Assessment: From Packaging into Paving Blocks

          Research explores the environmental impacts of transforming multilayer   fill methods.                                                                                                                            INTO SAFER PLACES                     INTO SAFER PLACES
          metalized plastic packaging (MLP), commonly used in consumer goods,    Reduced Eutrophication and Ecotoxic-
          into paving blocks (PVBs).                                             ity
                                                                                 One of the most significant findings of
                                                                                 the study is the reduced eutrophication
                                                                                 and freshwater aquatic ecotoxicity as-
                                                                                 sociated  with  PVB  production.  These
                                                                                 reductions are crucial, as they indicate
                                                                                 a lesser impact on water bodies, po-
                                                                                 tentially leading to healthier aquatic
                                                                                 ecosystems. This aspect of the study
                                                                                 highlights  the  dual  benefits  of  MLP
                                                                                                  MAGNETIC SENSORS
                                                                                                                  SAFETY RELAYS
                                                            MAGNETIC SENSORS     conversion: reducing plastic waste and                                 SAFETY RELAYS  SAFETY SWITCHES                       SAFETY SWITCHES  LIMIT SWITCHES                      LIMIT SWITCHES
                                                                                 mitigating its environmental  conse-
                                                            Q  BNS and BPS series                 Q  BNS and BPS series   Q     SRB series: SRB 301, SRB 204,    Q     SRB series: SRB 301, SRB 204,    Q    AZ 15, 16 & 17, AZM170 series  Q    AZ 15, 16 & 17, AZM170 series  Q  236 & 336 series; 235 & 335 series  Q  236 & 336 series; 235 & 335 series
                                                            Q  seperate actuators available       Q  seperate actuators available  SRB-E-322ST, SRB-E-301ST etc.  SRB-E-322ST, SRB-E-301ST etc.  Q  separate actuators available  Q  separate actuators available  Q  thermoplastic or metal enclosure  Q  thermoplastic or metal enclosure

                                                                                 Life cycle assessment  results. Cour-
                                                                                 tesy  of Environmental  impact  study
                  ndonesia  produces  more  tial energy  input—largely due to the   on conversion of multilayer metallized
                  than 31 million tonnes of  manufacturing processes—it  offers a   packaging to paving blocks with a Life
                  waste each year, and a sub-  lower environmental impact in certain   Cycle Assessment (LCA) approach.
                  stantial  amount of plastic  key areas compared to traditional land-  Challenges  and  Comparative  Analy-
          remains in landfills for centuries. Re-                                sis
          searchers at the National Research and            SAFETY MATS                           SAFETY MATS     FOOT SWITCHES                         FOOT SWITCHE   SAFETY LIGHT CURTAINSS                SAFETY LIGHT CURTAINS  PULL CORD SWITCHES            PULL CORD SWITCHES
          Innovation  Agency in Indonesia have                                   However,  the  conversion  process  is
                                                                                                  Q   separate safety rails available
          proposed an innovative solution: using            Q   separate safety rails available  not without its challenges. The study                  Q   standard version - LKF1  Q    SLC400COM-ER series  Q    SLC400COM-ER series  Q    with and without emergency stop  Q    with and without emergency stop
                                                                                                                  Q   standard version - LKF1
          multilayer  metalized  plastic  (MLP),  a         Q separate EV stoppers available  reveals  higher  acidification  potential                 Q   heavy duty with guard - F232  Q    330mm to 1050mm  Q    330mm to 1050mm  Q  thermoplastic or metal enclosure  Q  thermoplastic or metal enclosure
                                                                                                                  Q   heavy duty with guard - F232
                                                                                                  Q separate EV stoppers available
          common but difficult-to-recycle mate-                                  due to the increased  energy require-
          rial due to its complex layers, to manu-                               ments  of  PVB  production.  Yet,  when
          facture durable paving blocks.                                         considering the overall environmen-
                                                                                 tal  benefits,  including  the  substantial
          Methodology and LCA Findings                                           reduction  in  landfill  waste  and  lower
          The  research  utilized  the  openLCA                                  long-term ecological damage, the ad-
          software  and  ecoinvent  3.8  database                                vantages begin to outweigh the draw-
          to perform a gate-to-gate assessment,  PVB production from MLP/plastic bag   backs.
          comparing  the environmental impact  waste.  Courtesy  of  Environmental   The  study  concludes  that  converting                                                                                                            Schmersal India Pvt Ltd                Schmersal India Pvt Ltd
          of producing paving blocks  PVBs from  impact study on conversion of multi-  MLP to PVB is a viable and environ-                                                                                                              Mail:  Mail:
          multilayer metalized plastic (MLP) with  layer metallized packaging to paving   mentally beneficial method of manag-
          conventional  disposal methods.  The  blocks with a Life Cycle Assessment   ing  plastic  waste.  This  approach  not
          study found that while converting MLP  (LCA) approach.                 only helps in reducing the volume of
          into paving blocks requires substan-

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                                                                                                       June 2024
               15.05.2024   10:46:48                 15.05.2024   10:46:48                             June 2024                      June 2024                                                                                                    anz_product-overview_395x240_in.indd   1  anz_product-overview_395x240_in.indd   1
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