Page 49 - Plastics News June 2024
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          searchers  at  Worcester  Polytechnic  materials  in the  absence  of  air until  value contained in the chemical bonds
          Institute and the University of Bath  the bonds of a molecule break apart.  of polystyrene, meaning that the pro-
          reveals  a  breakthrough  using  a  new  Polystyrene  conveniently  breaks  pri-  cess is energy efficient.
          approach.  They  report  that  it’s  now  marily into a monomer. This opens the   As  well,  multiple  pathways  exist  for
          conceivable that up to 60% of the poly-  window for using pyrolysis to recover   styrene  production at costs that are
          styrene used today could be replaced  monomer  followed  by  repolymeriza-  competitive with global historical aver-
          by recycled polystyrene, rPS.      tion to produce “good as new” poly-  ages over the past several years. That
          As a sustainable bonus, increased                                      means that “good as new” post-con-
          recycling of PS can reduce  the need  However,  there’s  a  catch:  monomer  sumer polystyrene is not just an idea
          for  new  polystyrene  production,  and  purity after pyrolysis is insufficient for  in the lab.
          thereby contribute to the decarboniza-  repolymerization.              To complete their analysis, the team
          tion of plastics.                  The holdup was short lived when the  considered greenhouse gas emissions.

          The approach involves breaking down  Bath-WPI  team  analyzed  a  multi-step  Technologies  such  as  pyrolysis  and
          and re-creating polystyrene. In a paper  process to convert polystyrene into its  distillation have faced criticism in re-
          in the  Chemical Engineering Journal,  monomer and then use distillation to  cent years because of their association
          researchers analyzed a simple process  purify the monomer.             with greenhouse gas emissions. How-
          combining pyrolysis  and  distillation   This  two-step  process  consists  en-  ever, the research team found that the
          that has the potential to be scalable,   tirely of scalable technologies that are   new  process  can  reduce  greenhouse
          cost-competitive, and energy-efficient.  among the most reliable processes   gas  emissions relative  to polymer
          The team outlines its findings in a paper  used in chemical processing. Because   combustion at an investment  cost of
          titled” Thermodynamic and economic  it relies on proven technologies, this   about $1.5/ton of carbon dioxide. This
          analysis of a deployable and scalable  means that the entire process should   is comparable in costs associated with
          process  to  recover  Monomer-Grade  be readily deployable soon.       “low-hanging fruit” such as installing
          styrene  from  waste  polystyrene”,   PS recycling clears energy and eco-  energy efficient light bulbs.
          which was published in the Chemical   nomic barriers.                  The researchers  concluded that not
          Engineering Journal.                                                   only  does  the  new  combination  pro-
                                             The  challenges  are  centered energy  cess  consist  of  scalable,  proven
          DANIELVFUNG  ISTOCK  VIA  GETTY    use  and  economics,  which  is  where  technologies, it’s realistic in terms of
          IMAGES PLUS                        the team focused its efforts. Interest-  economics and energy use, and a net

                                                                                 savings of emissions relative to com-
                                                                                 bustion. These are all positives  that
                                                                                 will help keep polystyrene out of water,
                                                                                 food and, ultimately, out of people.

                                                                                 Continued work is focused on improv-
                                                                                 ing the polystyrene process by includ-
                                                                                 ing additional steps for obtaining more
                                                                                 products, scenarios for mixed plastic
                                                                                 waste  streams,  and  developing  new,
                                                                                 and  even  more  efficient  technologies
                                                                                 for plastic recycling.
                                                                                              Source – Plastics Today

          The core technology  that  the team  ingly, the energy requirements for the
          analyzed  is  pyrolysis,  which  heating  entire process are much less than the

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