Page 55 - Plastics News June 2024
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         ers overseas) acquire scrap plastic to  cure internal information management  bottle rigids) and to track the changes
         process  mostly  into post-consumer  system to track the marketplace. To en-  in the material stream over time. The
         resin, flake or other forms of feedstock  sure accuracy of the data provided and  primary purpose of the Bale Composi-
         to sell to manufacturers or for use di-  to prevent double- counting, Stina Inc.  tion Study is to apply it to the annual
         rectly in new products.             conducts follow-up calls with respond-  study, but it also serves as important
         The data Stina Inc. gathers and reports   ents. More details on the Methodology,  insight for industry. Beyond the insight
         has provided the consistent source of   Gaps and Assumptions are detailed in  conveyed  through  the  annual plastic
         information for the pounds of post-  the public report, available through the  recycling report, bale audit details are
         consumer  (and post-commercial)     Plastic Recycling Data Dashboard on  available through Stina’s Insight Ser-
         plastic recovered for recycling in the       vices ( A new bale audit
         United States (and Canada). For nearly  Getting Granular                study is slated to kick off soon.
         two  decades  this  data  contributed  to                               Collaboration and Good  Data Are Es-
         the EPA’s  determination of the recy-                                   sential for Progress
         cling  figure  for  the  plastic  recycling                             Collaboration among industry, govern-
         rate in their annual Facts and Figures                                  ment and others as well as long-term
         reports on waste, recycling and com-                                    planning are essential in the manage-
         posting. Unfortunately,  there hasn’t                                   ment of resources for future genera-
         been an update to that report since the                                 tions. Good data hinges on transparent
         2018 data was published. Since then,                                    methodologies and standard (or com-
         various  organizations  have  generated                                 plementary)  use of categories across
         their  own  estimates,  which  will  vary                               studies.  One  example  is  utilizing  the
         depending on methodology used.
                                                                                 APR Guide  for  Plastic  Sorting—Best
         How Data on Plastic Recycling is Avail-                                 Management Practices to support har-
         able to the Public                  Beyond gathering data  on the  com-  monization in waste composition stud-
         Stina Inc. continues to track many key   modities recovered  for recycling,  it’s  ies or other data collection for plastic,
         data sets and thanks to study spon-  important to have more granular seg-  which could help yield a much clearer
         sors,  the  pounds  of  post-consumer   mentation  of the  data  by resin and  picture on the national level.
         plastic  recovered  for  recycling are   product type, particularly where trad-  Organizations  like  the  National  Re-
         made publicly available. The U.S. Post-  ed commodities are a mix of product   newable  Energy  Lab  (NREL)  recently
         consumer  Plastic  Recycling  Data  Re-
         port (2022) can be accessed through
         the Plastic Recycling Data Dashboard
         on  This  data
         is used in policy development  and
         business planning by analysts, educa-
         tors, and many other stakeholders.

         The data gathering for the U.S. Post-
         consumer  Plastic  Recycling  Data  Re-
         port takes  the better part of a year.
         Trust developed through years of  types and resin. Stina Inc. completed
         relationship-building, neutrality in the  a National Bale Composition Study in   published a report focused on the lost
         marketplace, and  strict  confidentiality  2022, as an update and expansion of   value  of  landfilled  plastic  (2022)  as
         standards enable Stina Inc. to achieve  previous  studies.  The  data  from  the   well as a report on losses from land-
         the high participation rate from com-  audit enables us to break out the com-  filled cardboard and paper (2023). And
         panies in a voluntary survey.       modities acquired by resin and product   there  are  many  other  organizations
                                                                                 working to fill data gaps to aid in better
         Stina Inc. developed and utilizes a se-  type (e.g., PP bottles versus PP non-  decision-making from upstream mate-

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