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          rial choices to recycling solutions.  resources by casting doubt about re-  and critical economic policies to sup-
                                             cyclable  materials. Misinformation in  port this, brands and consumers alike
          Shed Light on Misinformation
                                             any form is damaging to the collective  can support more plastic recycling by
          There has been a heavy focus on re-  goal: managing resources sustainably  supporting  the  companies  producing
          cyclability in recent years, which is es-  so we may sustain life on Earth.  post-consumer  resin and using recy-
          sential for recycling. However, we also                                cled content in products like those list-
          need to direct attention and resources   Recycling  is  Part  of  the  Solution  &   ed in the Buy Recycled Products Direc-
          to other critical parts of the recycling   We Need Greater Measurement  tory on
          chain, including the use of post-con-  The year over year trends vary, but this
          sumer recycled content and increased  much  is  clear:  The  gap  between  the   We will continue to work for better col-
          collection of recyclable items. Green-  amount of plastic produced and the   laboration,  more  recycling  data  and
          washing,  or  misleading  customers  amount  recycled  continues  to  grow.   more consistency in  measurement
          about  the  environmental  benefits  of  We  can’t  just  recycle  our  way  out  of   points for recycled plastics and other
                                             the current plastic waste problem. We   commodities as a core underpinning
                                             need to reduce the amount of plastic   of the actions needed to elevate recy-
                                             and all materials we produce that be-  cling rates. With more use of recycled
                                             come waste. That said, we also must   content  and participation  in recycling
                                             recycle what we produce to create cir-  of recyclable items, we look forward to
                                             cularity. If the true cost of production   being able to report how recyclers are
                                             and  waste  were  accounted  for,  recy-  closing the delta between virgin resin
                                             clers could have positive returns on in-  and post-consumer resin production.
                                             vestment for the new capacity needed    Source – Plastics Recycling Update
                                             to  close  the  massive  delta  between
          a product,  is harmful,  and  it  is also  virgin  resin production and reclama-
          harmful to discourage the recovery of  tion  capacity.  In  the  absence  of  new

          Computer Recycling Enhances Commitment to Environmental

          Sustainability with Advanced E-Waste Solutions
                                                                                          HEVY  CHASE,  MD  /  AC-
          Computer Recycling, a leader in electronic waste recycling, reaffirms its       CESSWIRE / June 16, 2024
          commitment to environmental sustainability. The company utilizes state-         / Computer Recycling, a pio-
          of-the-art techniques at its Chevy Chase, MD facility to ensure ethical         neer in the electronic waste
          e-waste management and data security with DoD-standard destruction     recycling  industry,  proudly  reaffirms
          methods. Through community outreach and partnerships, Computer Re-     its dedication to environmental sus-
          cycling promotes responsible e-waste disposal.                         tainability  and  responsible  e-waste
                                                                                 management.  With  over  two  decades
                                                                                 of expertise, the company continues to
                                                                                 lead the charge in providing compre-
                                                                                 hensive and eco-friendly solutions for
                                                                                 electronic waste disposal.

                                                                                 Commitment to Ethical E-Waste Man-
                                                                                 Computer  Recycling  has  long been  a
                                                                                 strong advocate for ethical e-waste re-
                                                                                 cycling practices. Recognizing the crit-
                                                                                 ical importance of mitigating the envi-

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