Page 34 - Plastics News May 2024
P. 34


          Drupa 2024: Michelman to showcase solutions for HP

                  ichelman is set to showcase  equipment. This collaboration has fos-  erations in press rooms, delivering su-
                  its extensive suite of water-  tered the development of specialized  perior runnability and consistent per-
                  based primer and OPV so-   solutions designed to optimise the dig-  formance. For press owners exploring
                  lutions tailored to the  HP  ital printing process. From labels and  new markets,  the product's compat-
          Industrial  Print  ecosystem  at  Drupa  shrink  sleeves  to  flexible  packaging,  ibility with a broad range of substrates
          2024. The company will demonstrate  commercial printing, folding cartons,  is one of its most impressive features.
          its decades-long commitment to ad-  and  corrugated  applications,  Michel-  DigiPrime Vision 9000  ensures  ex-
          vancing  the  digital  printing  field  and  man's portfolio ensures that every ap-  ceptional print quality across diverse
          highlight its strategic partnership with  plication and virtually every substrate  materials from smooth vinyl to heav-
          HP.                                within the HP industrial print ecosys-  ily textured and absorbent papers, as
                                             tem  is supported  with precision-for-  well as unique surfaces such as velvet,
          Also featured will be Michelman’s bar-
          rier and functional coatings for pack-  mulated primer options.        wood veneer, and twill, where achiev-
          aging applications that deliver critical  Central to Michelman's featured solu-  ing  proper  ink  adhesion  can  be  diffi-
          performance  attributes  while helping  tions at Drupa 2024 is DigiPrime Vision   cult.
          customers meet sustainability and cir-  9000, a primer that sets new standards  Lisa DiGate, vice-president of global
          cular economy initiatives.         for performance and compatibility. Ap-  digital printing at Michelman, said:
                                             proved by HP for use on the HP Indigo  “At Michelman, we're  not just creat-
          Michelman’s longstanding relationship
          with HP spans two decades, resulting   6K and 8K digital presses,  DigiPrime  ing products; we're crafting solutions
          in a comprehensive understanding of   Vision 9000 is a testament to Michel-  that  empower press  owners to push
          the dynamic interaction between sub-  man's commitment to innovation.  the boundaries of digital printing. Di-
          strates,  inks, primers, and printing  DigiPrime Vision 9000 streamlines op-  giPrime Vision 9000 embodies our

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