Page 36 - Plastics News May 2024
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         as  the multi-material  structure  com-  and  inline  with regular printing inks  German Minimum Standard and Recy-
         monly used for dry pet food but is also  can help to switch from an incompat-  Class for recyclable packaging.
         fully recyclable.                   ible multi-material structure to a fully   “This development success once again
                                             recyclable  mono-material  solution in
         With all its new regulations and direc-                                 underlines the importance of collabo-
         tives,  the  EU  is  increasing  the  pres-  the sense of a circular economy.”  rating along the packaging value chain,
         sure on brand owners and packaging  By using Siegwerk’s CIRKIT Grease-  combining the specialised  know-how
         manufacturers to rethink the design of  Bar, an innovative  inline printable  of industry experts,” Habib said. “To-
         packaging towards circularity.      grease  barrier coating, and CIRKIT  gether, we have succeeded in develop-
                                             HeatGuard,  a  coating  for  high-end  ing a circular innovation that delivers
         “New approaches are needed to meet
         the upcoming regulatory requirements   sealing process efficiency (heat resist-  on performance and maintains current
         for circular packaging,” said Belal Ha-  ance on film surfaces) that can also be  process efficiencies due to inline and
         bib, head of brand owner collaboration   applied inline with regular flexo or gra-  high-speed conversion. This shows
         at Siegwerk. “The challenge is to find a   vure machines,  the newly developed  that, by joining forces, we are in a po-
         recyclable design that also meets the   recyclable mono-PE bag achieves the  sition to make recyclable mono-plastic
         respective  performance  requirements   same packaging performance as non-  packaging  a reality  and thus  counter
         of the packaging."                  recyclable complex multi-material sys-  the still wide presence of multi-mate-
                                             tems but with the decisive advantage  rial laminated  structures  with future-
         For example, pet food packaging does  of being fully recyclable.        oriented  flexible  packaging  solutions
         not only have to be food safe, but also                                 made for circularity."
         requires certain barrier properties,   Both CIRKIT coatings are solvent-
         such as resistance to oils and fats, to   based, fully deinkable after delamina-  From  raw  material  selection  to  pack-
         keep the food fresh and maintain the   tion and can be printed inline without  aging recycling, Siegwerk bundles
         packaging's structural integrity. For   any loss in print performance. Besides,  knowledge  across  all disciplines  in
         this purpose, complex multi-material   full PU inks were used that are not only  the packaging lifecycle and can help
         structures with a metallised layer have   suitable for mechanical recycling  but  redesign entire packaging structures
         commonly been used so far.          also offer a process performance com-  to be sustainable according to existing
                                             parable to NC/PU flexo inks in terms  guidelines.
         “The problem: they are not recyclable,”  of printing speed and quality. All used
         added Habib. “This is where innovative  inks and coatings comply with the lat-           Source – PrintWeek
         barrier coatings applied in thin layers  est recycling guidelines including the

          Creating innovative lightweight plastic hood

                  yondellBasell (LYB) has an-  "LyondellBasell is looking forward to  motive materials."
                  nounced a collaboration with  working with AISN to drive a common   With the advancement  of low carbon
                  Hunan Huda Aisheng Group  mission of rapidly developing China's   green policies worldwide, the domes-
                  (AISN), a  leading automo-  New Energy Vehicle market  through   tic automotive industry is achieving
         tive supplier in China. This relation-  differentiated  solutions,” said Rolf   energy  saving  and  carbon  reduction
         ship aims to create the first lightweight  van Beeck, vice president of Advanced   through various means. The develop-
         plastic engine hood applications for  Polymer  Solutions at  LyondellBasell   ment  and application of lightweight
         the NEV cars of premium domestic au-  Asia Pacific and AfMEI, “In the future,   automotive  components  has  become
         tomotive brands, progressing the au-  we plan on further combining AISN’s   one of the prominent ways to address
         tomotive  industry  towards  integrated  expertise  in automotive  technology   this. As part of this collaboration, Ly-
         and  lightweight  designs.  At the  Chi-  with the LyondellBasell compound   ondellBasell is making  full use  of  its
         naPlas 2024 International Plastics and  solutions, expanding  the  relationship   revolutionary  Hifax  low  linear  coeffi-
         Rubber Exhibition, the two companies  to cover more body panel areas, and   cient expansion to provide an alterna-
         held a grand launch ceremony for this  providing more automotive OEMs with   tive solution to traditional metal engine
         new product.                        innovation  and  development  of  auto-  hoods delivering:

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