Page 38 - Plastics News May 2024
P. 38


          Indo-MIM opens its new HP Metal Jet Additive Manufacturing pro-

          duction cell

          Indo-MIM Limited has installed its HP Metal Jet S100 Binder Jetting machines (Courtesy Indo-MIM)

                  Indo-MIM,   headquartered  T.S., Vice  President of Operations at
                  in Bangalore, India, has of-  Indo-MIM.
                  ficially opened its new Addi-  Announcing the partnership last year,
                  tive Manufacturing  produc-  Baveja stated “We are proud to partner
          tion cell, acquired as part of its strategic   with  Indo-MIM  to  create  new  possi-
          partnership with HP. Announced at last   bilities for their customers leveraging
          year’s Formnext exhibition, Indo-MIM   our S100 solution and metals Additive
          has  invested  in three  HP Metal  Jet   Manufacturing capabilities. We are
          S100 Binder Jetting machines.      thrilled to work with Indo-MIM to drive   tomers. The acquisition of HP’s Metal
          Krishna Chivukula Jr., CEO at  Indo-  new metals applications, expand mate-  Jet S100 printers equips us with the
                                                                                 latest technology, enabling us to meet
          MIM, and Savi Baveja, President at HP  rial possibilities and increase precision   the growing demands of our custom-
          3D Printing, inaugurated the new cell.  and productivity.”             ers  with  efficiency  and  precision,  as
          Also celebrating the installation of the   Chivukula Jr also said at that time,  well as expand the library of materials
          new Additive Manufacturing machines   “Our  partnership  with  HP  signifies  a  qualified on the HP printer platform.”
          were Jagadish Holla, Senior Vice Pres-  milestone in our journey to provide
          ident of Sales and Marketing at Indo-  cutting-edge  production ready 3D       Source – PIM INTERNATIONAL
          MIM Limited, and Dr Shivashankar   metal binder jet solutions to our cus-

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