Page 39 - Plastics News May 2024
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         The impact of 3D Printing on medical equipment manufacturing

                  lthough this technology has  printing allows for  the  fabrication  of  cal instruments. Designers can swiftly
                  been used in  many differ-  patient-specific implants tailored to fit  iterate through multiple design varia-
                  ent industries, its potential  precisely within the patient's anatomy.  tions, refining each iteration based on
                  to revolutionise healthcare,  This level of customisation enhances  performance  evaluations and stake-
          especially  in the  manufacturing of  the effectiveness of treatments, reduc-  holder input. As a result, the time and
          medical equipment, is immense. 3D  es the risk of complications, and ulti-  cost required to develop new medical
          printing  is transforming the design,  mately  improves patient satisfaction  devices are reduced, allowing for more
          production, and use of medical items,  and outcomes.                   agile innovation and faster deployment
          from  prostheses  to  surgical instru-  Rapid  prototyping  and  iterative  de-  of life-saving technologies.
          ments,  providing customised solu-  sign                               Complex  geometries  and  enhanced
          tions and better patient results.                                      functionality
                                             Another key benefit of 3D printing in
          Personalised medicine
                                             medical device development is its ca-  3D  printing also unlocks  new possi-
          One  of  the  most  significant  advan-  pacity for rapid prototyping and itera-  bilities in terms of device design and
          tages of 3D printing in medical device  tive design. Traditionally, bringing a  functionality  by enabling the fabrica-
          manufacturing is its ability to facilitate  new medical device to market involves  tion of  intricate  geometries  that  are
          personalised medicine. Traditional  lengthy design iterations, tooling pro-  challenging or impossible to achieve
          manufacturing methods often rely on  cesses, and testing phases. However,  with traditional manufacturing meth-
          mass  production,  resulting  in  stand-  3D printing accelerates this process by  ods. This capability is especially  ad-
          ardised devices that may not perfectly  enabling designers to quickly produce  vantageous for medical devices where
          suit each  patient's  unique anatomy.  prototypes  and  iterate  designs  based  complex shapes or internal structures
          However, with 3D printing, healthcare  on feedback and testing results.  are beneficial.
          providers can create bespoke medical   This rapid prototyping capability is  For instance, in the field of cardiovas-
          devices  customised to individual pa-  particularly valuable in  the develop-  cular medicine, 3D printing allows for
                                             ment  of complex  medical devices,  the  creation  of  patient-specific  stents
          For example,  in orthopaedics, 3D  such as implantable devices or surgi-  with complex lattice structures op-

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