Page 37 - Plastics News May 2024
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          •   high rigidity to ensure structural  front-end  modules, material battery  Hifax and Sequel series products, ac-
             integrity, and be less prone to  packs,  etc.” said Xiong Liming, gen-  cumulating  a  wealth  of  experience  in
             deformation  due to temperature,  eral manager of Hunan Huda Aisheng  material development and applica-
             humidity, etc., thereby meeting  Automotive Components & Equipment  tion. The company's extensive global
             stringent dimensional require-  Manufacturing. “In the future, we are  production and operation footprint, as
             ments;                          expected to join forces with Lyondell-  well as its expertise in regulations, risk
          •   achieve an aesthetic effect that is   Basell to provide a relevant  series of  management,  and safety  for sustain-
             difficult to replicate with metal, al-  products, starting with identifying the  able products in the global automotive
             lowing designers to explore more   suitable material for the development  market,  further supports  the com-
             aesthetic possibilities while main-  and manufacturing process. We jointly  pany’s  commitment  to contributing
             taining superior performance;   anticipate the innovation and develop-  to the development of the automotive
                                             ment of automotive parts, and promot-  industry.
          •   significantly  reduce  the  total  ing energy conservation and environ-
             weight of the body panels through  mental  protection in the  automotive   The Hifax Low Linear Expansion Co-
             the use of plastic instead of steel.  industry."                    efficient solution, and this plastic en-
                                                                                 gine hood, were  showcased  at  the
          "Over the years, AISN has been deeply  As a  global leader  in polypropylene  ChinaPlas 2024 International  Plastics
          committed  to  the  automotive  indus-  compounding, LyondellBasell has  & Rubber Exhibition at the Shanghai
          try,  providing services  from design  been focusing on the development of  Hongqiao National Convention and Ex-
          to manufacturing, and has developed  exterior body panels over the years  hibition Centre.
          a series of products such as compos-  and  has  successfully  developed  the
          ite  door covers,  dashboard beams,                                                 Source – smart_molding

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