Page 35 - Plastics News May 2024
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          drive for excellence, offering unparal-  yond print-receptive primers to a wider  plete  coating  system  which delivers
          leled substrate compatibility and ease  portfolio of coatings, all of which are  critical performance properties while
          of use for HP Indigo 6K and 8K digital  water-based,  repulpable, and PFAS-  making improved end-of-life outcomes
          press owners. It's about helping our  free. This includes barrier coatings to  possible.
          customers  achieve  their vision, no  control the transmission of oxygen,   DiGate added, “We’re helping print ser-
          matter how complex.”               mineral oil, and moisture vapour; coat-  vice providers, converters, and brands
          Additional  DigiPrime Vision  primers,   ings that provide resistance to water,   transition their packaging from plastic
          including options designed for the new   oil, and grease;  adhesion promoters   to paper, move to recyclable mono-
          HP Indigo V12 Digital Press, are under   to aid extrusion  and metallisation;   material structures, and reduce pack-
          development.  With DigiPrime  Vision   overprint coatings that protect against   aging weight. Our innovative solutions
          on the HP Indigo V12, print service   marring, scratches, and UV light; and   enable  recyclable and compostable
          providers will be able to move longer   heat seal coatings designed for a range   packaging, supporting a more circular
          runs to digital, reducing media waste   of initiation temperatures.    economy.”
          and overstocking.                  These technologies can be combined                   Source - PrintWeek
                                             in packaging structures to form a com-
          Michelman's  innovation  extends  be-

          Siegwerk develops fully recyclable mono-PE bag for dry pet food

                  iegwerk, one of the leading  ful development  of a fully recyclable  bag-making  and machine  producer
                  global providers of print-  mono-PE bag for dry pet food using its  B&B, the company jointly produced a
                  ing inks and coatings  for  CIRKIT functional coatings.        new high-barrier mono-material pack-
                  packaging  applications  and   Together with printing machine manu-  aging, which not only offers the same
          labels, has announced the success-                                     packaging  and  process  performance
                                             facturer  Windmöller & Hölscher and

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