Page 40 - Plastics News May 2024
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          timised for mechanical strength and  tems, or antimicrobial properties, fur-  (FDA) in the United States, have been
          biocompatibility. Similarly,  in den-  ther expanding the capabilities of these  actively engaged in developing guide-
          tistry, 3D printing enables the fabrica-  devices to address complex healthcare  lines and standards for the use of 3D
          tion of dental implants with precisely  challenges.                    printing in healthcare.
          designed surface textures to promote   Regulatory considerations and qual-  Manufacturers  must  adhere  to rigor-
          osseointegration  and  enhance  long-  ity assurance                   ous quality assurance processes to
          term stability.                                                        validate  the performance,  biocompat-
                                             While  the  potential  benefits  of  3D
          Furthermore,  the integration of mul-  printing in medical device manufac-  ibility, and sterility of 3D-printed medi-
          tiple materials in a single 3D-printed   turing are undeniable, it is essential   cal  devices.  Additionally, documenta-
          device opens up opportunities for   to address regulatory considerations   tion and traceability throughout the
          multifunctional designs. By selectively   and ensure the safety and efficacy of   manufacturing process are critical to
          depositing different materials, design-  these devices. Regulatory bodies, such   ensuring compliance with regulatory
          ers can create medical devices with   as the Food and Drug Administration   requirements  and  maintaining  patient
          integrated sensors, drug delivery sys-                                 safety.

          INEOS Nitriles bio-based acrylonitrile reduces carbon footprint

                  NEOS Nitriles has confirmed  with a 90% reduction in their carbon  stone in the delivery of INEOS Nitriles
                  the  world  first  sales  of  In-  footprint vs. conventional acrylonitrile-  sustainability  strategy.  Our  new  bio-
                  vireoTM a new bio-based  based products.                       based acrylonitrile has the potential to
                  acrylonitrile, a raw  material   Carbon  fibre  is  increasingly  used   significantly cut the carbon footprint of
          necessary in the production of carbon   across a variety of applications as a   a variety of everyday industries. Con-
          fibre.                             lightweight  yet  durable  alternative  to   sumers and businesses alike are look-
          INVIREOTM  acrylonitrile  is produced  aluminium, titanium and steel.   ing for improved sustainability for their
                                                                                 products,  and  this  new  acrylonitrile
          via a controlled and certified (ISCC+)   Gordon Adams, business director for  delivers that.”
          mass balance route which allows INE-  INEOS Nitriles and INEOS Phenol busi-
          OS Nitriles to offer customers products
                                             nesses said: “This is a significant mile-

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