Page 41 - Plastics News May 2024
P. 41


         Fiber exports down 17% in first quarter, plastics flat

                  Exports  of  U.S. recovered  recovered fiber so far this year, bring-  countries during the first three months
                  paper dwindled to their  ing  in 603,000 short tons during the  of the year,  almost  the exact same
                  lowest  first-quarter  volume  quarter, down 27% year over year.  amount that was exported during the
                  since 2002, driven by sub-  Thailand became a major destination  same period in 2023.
          stantial  declines  to major buyers  in  in 2023, when exports to the country   More  than half that  material stayed
          Thailand and India. Plastic shipments  spiked a dramatic 120%.         in North  America,  with 79.4 million
          remained steady year over year.    Other major destinations also saw sig-  pounds, or 34%, going to Canada, and
          The U.S. Census Bureau, part of the  nificant drops: India imported 567,000  50.9 million pounds, or 22%, going to
          U.S. Department of Commerce, pub-  short tons during the first quarter this  Mexico.
          lished March export data on May 2, al-  year, down 25% year over year, and   The  next  largest  portion  of  material
          lowing for a first-quarter export analy-  exports to Mexico were down 14%.  went to southeast Asia and India. Ma-
                                             In  a  converse  trend,  fiber  exports  to  laysia imported 25.0 million pounds of
          Paper  exports  reach  22-year  first-  Malaysia jumped up by 181,000 short  scrap plastic, India received 20.5 mil-
          quarter low                        tons,  or 62%, but  it wasn’t  enough  lion pounds, Vietnam brought in 12.1

          U.S. companies exported 3.28 million   to offset the substantial drop in ship-  million pounds and Indonesia import-
          short  tons  of  recovered  fiber  during   ments to other countries.  ed 10.7 million pounds.
          the  first  quarter  of  2024,  down  17%  Of the first-quarter exports, OCC made  Some of the exports to Southeast Asia
          from 3.95 million short tons during the  up 68%, mixed paper contributed  could violate the Basel Convention,
          same period a year earlier.        15%, high-grade  deinking paper  –  which in 2021 began  regulating the
                                             such as sorted office paper – made up  shipment of mixed plastics into Basel-
          That’s the lowest volume of recovered
          fiber exported during the first quarter   12%, and newsprint was just 2%.  party countries. The U.S. is not a party
          since 2002, and it’s down from the  Scrap  plastic  exports  flat  year  over   to  the  convention, which means  191
          2012 first-quarter high of 5.80 million  year                          party countries – the vast majority of
          short tons exported.               U.S. exporters shipped 234.6 mil-   nations – are prohibited from receiv-
                                                                                 ing regulated material, such as mixed
          Thailand is the largest importer of U.S.  lion pounds  of  scrap  plastic  to  other  plastic, from the U.S. There are a cou-

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