Page 63 - Plastics News May 2024
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                                                                                 technology, offers precision in identi-
                                                                                 fying and sorting non-ferrous metals
                                                                                 such as copper from ferrous waste
                                                                                 streams.  Additionally, the  system
                                                                                 provides  real-time reports  on sorting
                                                                                 operations, empowering users to op-
                                                                                 timise their processes and achieve de-
                                                                                 sired material purities through a user-
                                                                                 friendly intuitive interface.
                                                                                 By automating the sorting process, the
                                                                                 ZenRobotics  solution enables scrap
                                                                                 processing companies,  particularly
                                                                                 those  that  handle end-of-life vehicles
                                                                                 (ELVs) to reduce carbon emissions
                                                                                 and comply with stringent regulations
                                                                                 governing copper content in recycled
                                                                                 steel. It also enhances operational ef-
          sorting technologies, such  as multi-  Recognising the need for advanced   ficiency while promoting safer working
          stage magnets and ballistic separators,  sorting solutions to address the  in-  conditions by minimising the risks as-
          struggle  to effectively  reduce copper  creasing  demand for copper-free  re-  sociated  with manual sorting in haz-
          contamination, intensified by the scar-  cycled  steel, the Zen Robotics Heavy   ardous environments.
          city of manual labour for hand sorting.  Picker, equipped with cutting-edge AI   Source – Recycling Magazine

          Three-stage metal separator for plastics recycling

                 his new concept  consists  of  It is particularly applied in plastics pro-  terial. The high-gradient head pulley
                 an  Eddy-Current  separator  cessing, but WEEE and ASR are also  separator  removes  fine  iron  particles
                 equipped with overband mag-  important applications where this mag-  plus stainless steel, including trapped
                 net and high-gradient head  netic technology can extract more val-  steel and stainless-steel particles, after
          roller magnet. In one run, the system  uable metals from the product stream.  which the 38 HI Eddy current separator
          removes steel, very fine iron and stain-  In this case, with recovery as the goal  separates the non-ferrous metal parts,
          less steel, as well as non-ferrous met-  instead of removal of metal contamina-  even if they are attached to rubber or
          als such as copper, aluminium, brass,  tion. The magnet producer opted for a  plastic, for example. The thinner layer
          precious metals and lead. Even metal-  combination with an overband instead  thickness as well as the pre-separation
          contaminated  particles  are separated  of a magnetic drum separator because  by the  overband magnet  allow the
          from the product stream. The result of  the first separation step gives a cleaner  separators to do their job better. The
          this integrated module is a cleaner and  final  fraction,  which  is  more  market-  combination  of  these  three  different
          more marketable final fraction for plas-  able. If required, this modular system  separation techniques allows recyclers
          tics processors. Lower contamination  is also available without an overband  to create more value by being left with
          levels in the granules or flakes reduce  magnet.                       a cleaner end product, which is more
          costs in the downstream process; fil-  The material is fed wide and in a thin   efficient to process and therefore more
          ters of melting screws and plastics   layer via a vibratory feeder. This mon-  profitable.  Ultimately,  this  results  in
          chemical processing plants stay clean   olayer facilitates further processing of   more  intensive  metal  separation  and
          and do not jam.                                                        therefore greater recovery of valuable
                                             the  product  flow.  Then  the  overband
          This 3-in-1 metal separator is designed  magnet  takes  effect.  This separates   metals.
          for fine materials from 0 to 15-20 mm.  coarser  steel particles from the ma-   Source – Recycling Magazine

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