Page 62 - Plastics News May 2024
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             rotary die.                         minute.                             be the first U.S. showcase of the
          •   Conair is showcasing it’s Profile-  •   Addex  is  debuting  its  first-ever   VarDAR Upper Cooling Air Ring.
             Master, a complete line of down-    blown film air ring with a single-  •   Milacron  is  debuting  an  updated
             stream profile extrusion process-   inlet plenum design.                extruder,  control and die head
             ing equipment for small to large   •   Brueckner Group USA is introduc-  packages and also demonstrating
             profiles.                                                               how cobots can be used to auto-
                                                 ing newly developed local services
          •   Sikora will be showcasing a range   for film-stretching lines as well as   mate pipe production.
             of  cutting-edge  equipment  de-    digitalization solutions, both pro-  •   Versa Machinery’s Caterpillar
             signed to meet the high standards   viding a service  platform  for the   pullers are designed to pull pliable
             of the hose, tube and pipe extru-   full life cycle of a film stretching   materials  without product  defor-
             sion industries.                    line.                               mation.
          •   Reel Power Industrial has in-  •   Hosokawa Alpine  American is  •     Processing Technologies Interna-
             troduced an Automatic Cut and       highlighting some of its latest ad-  tional (PTi) is displaying for the
             Transfer system (ACT-26) for coil-  vancements  in  blown  film  extru-  first time its eG-Series Roll Stand.
             ing and spooling up to 1,000 feet/  sion, including what’s believed to
                                                                                               Source – Plastic Today

          Electric fine-shredder from M&J Recycling

                                                                                        he F240e has a special cutting
                                                                                        system. Once the rotor blades
                                                                                        and static knives are set, fre-
                                                                                        quent  adjustments  are  no
                                                                                 longer necessary. The system is said
                                                                                 to not only reduce operating costs, but
                                                                                 also maximise uptime, with the F240e
                                                                                 shredding waste with a particle size of
                                                                                 up to 10 mm.
                                                                                          Source – Recycling Magazine

          ZenRobotics to achieve higher purity for US-Based metals recy-


                 nder this agreement,  three  jected to double by 2050, the demand  maintain the quality of their steel prod-
                 ZenRobotics Heavy  Pickers  for  efficient  metal  sorting  has  never  ucts. To meet industry standards, steel
                 will be deployed to effectively  been more pressing. However, the ris-  producers typically require recycled
                 separate copper from its fer-  ing copper content in shredded scrap  steel  to contain less  than  0.1–0.2%
          rous metals stream.                metal presents a considerable chal-  copper content, without resorting to
          With the  volume of scrap  metal  pro-  lenge  for steel producers  striving to  additional virgin pig iron. Conventional

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