Page 70 - Plastics News May 2024
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                                                                                 Climate change  impact  of producing
                                                                                 colored PP via the STRAP process
                                                                                 compared with virgin PP. Courtesy of
                                                                                 Green Chemistry.

         PP recovery.                        cessing a capacity of 5,292 tons of PP  24.7 million USD, with an annual oper-
                                             colored annually, results in an MSP of  ating cost of 1.87 million USD. On the
         Economic Feasibility                1.42 USD/kg. This price is comparable  other hand, sensitivity analysis shows

         Finally, scientists developed a techno-  to the average market values of virgin  the impact  of economies  of scale
         economic  and sensitivity  analysis of   PP and the cost of post-consumer PP  across various processing capacities.
         the STRAP process for recovering PP   (0.94-2.52  USD/kg).  Moreover,  the   The results reveal that beyond an an-
         colored.  The  first  indicates  that  pro-  total  capital investment  amounted  to   nual capacity of 7,000 tons, the MSP

         of the polypropylene (PP) produced via the STRAP
         process is approximately half the maximum market
         value of virgin resin and the price of post-consum-
         er PP (ranging from 0.94 to 2.52 USD/kg). These
         findings underscore the economic viability of the
         STRAP process without color removal. It also im-
         plies that this technology could scale up to reclaim
         PP from discarded face masks. Thus, enabling both
         environmental and economic benefits.
                            Source – Plastics Engineering

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