Page 69 - Plastics News May 2024
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         ronment, posing minimal risk to living  growing interest in exploring their role  rise, it’s crucial to develop sustainable
         organisms and ecosystems. However,  in the  circular  economy.  Wahlström  strategies for their end-of-life handling
         this  also  means  that  traditional  dis-  and colleagues have proposed a com-  to minimize environmental impact and
         posal methods such as incineration  prehensive approach to FPs’ lifecycle  promote resource efficiency.
         may warrant further investigation to  management, emphasizing the impor-        Source – Plastics Engineering
         ensure  their effectiveness.  Moreover,  tance of recycling and exploring inno-
         while FPs generally meet the Polymer-  vative  depolymerization techniques.
         of-Low-Concern criteria, there’s a  As the demand for FPs continues  to

          Polypropylene Recycling from Disposable Face Masks

                                                                                 mental and techno-economic analysis
                                                                                 of this method to evaluate its feasibility
                                                                                 compared to virgin PP production.

                                                                                 Recycling  PP  via  STRAP  Method
                                                                                 and Decolorization
                                                                                 STRAP method enabled the extraction
                                                                                 and separation of approximately  90
                                                                                 wt% of PP within a dissolution time of
                                                                                 5 minutes. Additionally, N, N-Dimeth-
                                                                                 ylacetamide facilitated the removal of
                                                                                 color from the recovered PP, result-
                                                                                 ing in a high-purity PP. The recovered
                                                                                 plastic exhibits thermochemical prop-
                                                                                 erties like those of virgin PP resin.

                                                                                 Diminishing  Environmental  Im-
          High-purity polypropylene from waste disposable face masks via STRAP method
          and decolorization. Courtesy of Green Chemistry.                       Researchers  conducted  an environ-
                                                                                 mental impact assessment  for the
                 olvent-targeted  recovery  and  By 2023, global production of personal   STRAP process, focusing on recover-
                 precipitation (STRAP) process  protective  equipment  resulted in an   ing polypropylene  (PP) colored.  This
                 stands out as a promising al-  annual waste output between 4.68 and   analysis  compares  the  environmental
                 ternative  to polypropylene  6.24 million tons.                 impacts of producing 1 kg of PP using
          (PP) disposable face mask recycling.                                   conventional  methodologies against
                                             Polypropylene (PP)  predominantly
          The  COVID-19  pandemic  triggered  constitutes  disposable face masks.   the STRAP method. The depicted data
          a  significant  surge  in  the  use  of  dis-  This plastic has a high market value but   illustrates that the carbon footprint of
          posable face masks as a precaution-  is one of the least recycled. As a result,   the STRAP process without color re-
          ary  measure.  Although these masks  the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)   moval (0.57 kg CO2 eq./kg PP) is no-
          are crucial for containing the spread  funded research through the Center for   tably diminished compared to virgin
          of the virus, they have also posed a  Chemical Upcycling of Waste Plastics   resin production (2.07 kg CO2 eq./kg
          new environmental challenge. People  (CUWP). The work contributed to de-  PP). Remarkably, the STRAP process
          worldwide use millions of disposable  signing the STRAP process of PP from   engenders approximately 72% fewer
          face masks, and many of them even-  disposable face masks.  Furthermore,   emissions.  This underscores  its po-
          tually wind up in landfills and dumps.  researchers  developed an environ-  tential as a sustainable alternative for

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