Page 66 - Plastics News May 2024
P. 66


          Design guidelines for micromoulding

                   hen  you  begin to  assess  pivotal, not just as afterthoughts but  Consultants not job shops
                   the use of micro injection  as front-runners in the development
                   moulding, partnering with  process. They must be meticulously   Welcome to the design conundrum,
                   a specialised sub-contract  considered to sidestep the costly and   where original equipment manufactur-
          manufacturer becomes a strategic as-  time-consuming loop of redesigning a   ers (OEMs) often see entities like Ac-
          set. This partnership should be strong  product that doesn't fit the mould —   cumold as mere production houses
                                                                                 or job shops. However, these hubs of
          for the entire journey of your product,  quite literally.
                                                                                 micromoulding innovation  see  them-
          from  the  blueprints  to  high-volume   That's  precisely why  manufacturers  selves as so much more. They are the
          production, all development preferably   must join  forces with micromoulders  expert consultants in the realm of micro
          taking place under a single roof.
                                             right at the inception of the product  manufacturing. Be sure to choose one
          The art of micromoulding is inherently  development process. Early collabora-  which is vertically integrated, however,
          complex, laden with tasks that require  tion is the secret sauce when crafting a  ensuring expertise that spans from the
          consistently hitting the bullseye of ex-  manufacturing process that's not only  drawing board to the final automated
          tremely  tight  tolerances.  To accom-  cost-effective and swift but also nails it  assembly process, its skills covering
          plish this feat, it's imperative to foster  on the first attempt.      design,  tooling, moulding, validation,
          a  collective  commitment  to  precision   As we unfold the pages of the micro-  and more.
          across the board — from the intricate   moulding design guidebook, there are  This  integrative  expertise  flourishes
          creation of micro tools to the micro-  important nuggets of wisdom that can  best when sown early in the conceptual
          moulding itself, followed by rigorous   illuminate your path from the get-go.  phase of product development. Imag-
          validation  and  optimised  automated   Remember,  the call to  action cannot  ine the tooling manager, at the genesis
                                             be overstated — consult with a micro-  of design, offering invaluable insights
          Beyond this complicated  process,  moulding expert at the earliest chance.  into moulding optimisation, or the as-
          the selection of materials and the ar-  It's the way to unlock tailored advice,  sembly manager whose timely advice
          chitecture of design reign supreme in  perfectly  suited to your project's  thwarts delays and cost escalations by
          micromoulding. These elements are  unique specifications.              pinpointing issues critically early in the

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