Page 65 - Plastics News May 2024
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          Formlabs Releases Fastest 3D Printer Yet

                                                                                 Formlabs CEO and co-founder Max
                                                                                 Lobovsky. “More than a decade ago,
                                                                                 Formlabs created the desktop SLA 3D
                                                                                 printer category and set a new standard
                                                                                 for accuracy,  reliability, ease  of use,
                                                                                 and affordability in 3D printing. We’ve
                                                                                 built on the strength and insights gath-
                                                                                 ered from more than 130,000 printers
                                                                                 on the market  and over 300 million
                                                                                 parts printed to deliver the Form 4, our
                                                                                 best SLA printer ever. Its reliability and
                                                                                 new level of speed will transform how
                                                                                 our customers develop new products.”
                                                                                 Formlabs states  that  the Form 4 is
                                                                                 highly intuitive and user-friendly, with
                 he Form 4 can achieve verti-  reolithography technology, are capable  automatic resin handling, instant ma-
                 cal print speeds of 100 mm  of printing parts in two hours or less,  terial changes,  automated  post-pro-
                 per hour and outpace injec-  offering speeds two to five times fast-  cessing, and quick-release build plat-
                 tion molding, according to the  er  than  the  company’s  Form 3+. The  form technology. It also features an
         company.                            printer can achieve maximum verti-  integrated camera to monitor prints,
                                             cal print speeds of 100 mm per hour.  take photos, and manage printers from
         A historical drawback of 3D printing   According to Formlabs, these speeds  anywhere.
         has been its speed — or lack thereof.   have been shown to outpace injection
         Compared  to  technologies  like  injec-  molding.  Skeptical?  Watch  the  video   Formlabs introduces six new resins.
         tion molding, 3D printing has tradition-  below.                        Along with the printer release, Form-
         ally been  slower,  but  in recent  years                               labs is also adding six new resins to
         that has been changing, quite dramati-  The Form 4 is based on Formlabs’ new   its already extensive  material library.
         cally. Many companies have released  Low Force Display (LFD) print engine,   These include four newly reformulated
         3D printers that boast unprecedented  which has at its core a high-powered,   General Purpose resins that offer im-
         speeds, making the technology all the  60-LED light source the company calls   proved  speed,  toughness,  and color.
         more appealing, particularly for batch  a Backlight Unit. This enables, in addi-  In addition, Fast Model resin has been
         production.                         tion to speed, high print quality. Speed   developed for high-speed prototypes
                                             and print quality do not always go hand
         Biocompatible version available.    in hand, but the Form 4 offers 50-mi-  and orthodontic models, and Precision
                                                                                 Model resin is now being offered for
                                             cron pixels, advanced pixel smoothing,
         The latest entry in the high-speed 3D-  and light touch supports.       highly accurate dental models.
         printer category  comes  from resin                                                   Source – Plastic Today
         printer manufacturer  Formlabs.  The  “Form 4 is a huge leap not only for
         Form 4 and its biocompatible varia-  Formlabs and our customers, but also
         tion, Form 4B, which use masked ste-  for the entire 3D-printing world,” said

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