Page 33 - Plastics News September 2024
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          World’s first mobile sorting container tackles

          plastic pollution in rivers

                TADLER and everwave have collaborated           The project aims to improve the efficiency of
                to develop SortX, the world’s first mobile      river cleanup operations while reducing envi-
          Ssorting container designed to tackle plas-           ronmental impacts from waste transport. ever-
          tic pollution in rivers. SortX enables on-site sort-  wave’s garbage boats collect waste, which is
          ing of plastic waste, efficiently separating recy-    sorted on-site using the container, eliminating
          clable from non-recyclable materials, and closing     the need for additional infrastructure or storage.
          the waste loop. Weighing 6 tons and designed          The collaboration emphasizes sustainability and
          for mobility, SortX can be easily transported to      aims to implement permanent sorting stations at
          remote areas and set up quickly. Its prototype,       future locations. Both companies share a com-
          deployed in Kukës, Albania, since mid-June, pro-      mitment to reducing plastic pollution and pro-
          cessed 30,000 kg of waste, with about 80% be-         moting the circular economy globally.
          ing recyclable.
                                                                                                Source:- ESG Solution

             September 2024
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