Page 78 - Plastics News September 2024
P. 78


          in terms of using plastics properly or avoiding       ment issues. This problem is severe due to scar-
          them at all.                                          city of commodities, financial constraints and
                                                                poor facilities.
          6. Economic Factors

          Challenge: The possibility of recycling plastics      Solution: This article supports the argument and
          faces certain difficulties considering the fact of    avers that the assistance of the international
          economic aspects of the process. The cost of          community is necessary for the enhancement
          recycling is also high sometimes recycled prod-       of waste disposal in the developing world. To-
          ucts are even more expensive than virgin plas-        gether with offering grant funding and technical
          tics thus are disposed of in large numbers.           support, it is possible to contribute to the de-

                                                                velopment of efficient waste management prac-
          Solution: By giving subsidies or financial en-        tices by mutually sharing experiences, concerns
          couragement to recyclers, there is an improve-
          ment of economical feasibility of programs by         and initiatives of those nations. Fostering of local
                                                                undertakings and the development of small and
          governments. Moreover, another way to make
          this product more successful is to promote com-       bottom-up projects are also likely to offer much
                                                                of the influence as well.
          panies to use the recycled material for making
          their products which, in its turn, will do good for   8. Microplastics Contamination
          creating a better market for this product.
                                                                Challenge: Small plastic debris or particles that
          7. Plastic Waste in Developing Countries              are manufactured from smaller pieces of larger

                                                                plastic and other articles are small but common
          Challenge: Many developing nations are faced
          with the issue of poor waste management this          to be spirited and nearly impossible to be eradi-
          consequently  leads  to  plastic  waste  manage-      cated. They are dangerous to the fauna and to
                                                                the people too.

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