Page 62 - Plastics News April 2024
P. 62


         Supply Chain Partners Collaborate to Launch New Premium Film
         Packaging Made with 50% Recycled Plastic

             he new packaging was launched in  to traditional fossil feedstock to first  party  who  certify  that  it  has  been
          Tthe UK and Ireland for Sunbites,  produce  recycled  propylene,  before  tracked through the production pro-
          PepsiCo’s well-known snack brand, in  turning  this  into  virgin-quality  recy-  cess using mass balance principles and
          late 2023. The packaging is made by  cled polypropylene resin at the plant  that the claim being made is accurate.
          recycling plastic waste into food grade  in Lavera, France.            The  upcoming  EU  Packaging  and
          packaging material. This is done using   IRPLAST uses the new resin to turn  Packaging  Waste  Regulation  (PPWR)
          an advanced recycling process, a com-  existing plastic packaging designs into  is expected to set out ambitious tar-
          plementary  approach  to  mechanical   new packaging films that contain 50%  gets  for  recycling  packaging  waste
          recycling, which enables the recycled   of  post-consumer  recycled  materials  for 2025 and 2030 across a range of
          materials to satisfy the demanding EU   and  meet  the  food  contact  perfor-  materials  and  recycled  content  tar-
          regulatory  requirements  for  applica-  mance requirements.           gets  for  plastics.  The  achievement
          tions such as food contact packaging,   Amcor  transformed  these  films  into   demonstrates that advanced recycling
          contact sensitive and medical devices.  printed  packaging  that  delivers  the   technologies can play a critical role in
          Brands and retailers use flexible film   same technical performance for Pep-  meeting the growing demand for the
          packaging to ensure food maintains its   siCo.                         safe, circular use of recycled materi-
          freshness and prevent food waste.  Using these new polypropylene films,   als in food contact products, helping
          Several  partners  across  the  entire   PepsiCo launched the Sunbites pack-  the  EU  to  achieve  its  10%  recycled
          supply  chain  collaborated  to  enable   aging  in  the  UK.  The  partnership  is   content objective for contact sensitive
          the launch of this attractive new cir-  part of PepsiCo Positive (pep+), the   plastic packaging by 2030.
          cular packaging:                   company’s  end-to-end  transforma-  As  well  as  preventing  plastic  from
          GreenDot ensured the procurement  tion,  which  aims  to  eliminate  virgin   ending  up  in  the  environment  and
          and  supply  of  post-consumer  plastic  fossil-based  plastic  in  crisp  and  chip   reducing the use of fossil based raw
          packaging waste, which was convert-  bags in Europe by 2030.           materials, the circular re-use of ‘end
          ed into TACOIL™ (pyrolysis oil) using   The recycled polymer content is cer-  of life’ plastic can also help to reduce
          Plastic Energy’s technology.       tified under the International Sustain-  total emissions.s
          INEOS  Olefins  &  Polymers  Europe  ability and Carbon Certification (ISCC
          used this pyrolysis oil as an alternative  PLUS) scheme, an independent third

         New insights on behaviour of different plastic types in extreme


                                                                                     he  study  showed  conventional
                                                                                 Tplastic  broke  down  into  smaller
                                                                                 microplastics than plant-based plastic.
                                                                                 New  research  led  by  researchers
                                                                                 from the University of Portsmouth in
                                                                                 the UK and Belgium’s Flanders Marine
                                                                                 Institute has provided insights into the
                                                                                 behaviour of various types of plastics.
                                                                                 The researchers studied the decom-
                                                                                 position process of two plastic types
                                                                                 in extreme conditions.
                                                                                 The study found that biobased plastic

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