Page 26 - Plastics News August 2019
P. 26


          AUTOMATION - PART 2
          When to Consider Six-Axis Articulated-Arm Robots

                                                                                                  Claude Bernard

             xtraordinary versatility suits articulated-arm robots   ARTICULATED-ARM FLEXIBILITY
          Eto a wide variety of operations, from loading inserts
          and unloading parts to decorating, assembly and testing.   Probably the greatest strength of articulated-arm robots is
                                                                their versatility. The typical six-axis unit has an arm that
                                                                is similar, in many ways, to the human arm. It can rotate
                                                                around its base like the human limb rotates around the
                                                                shoulder. It can bend in the middle like a human elbow
                                                                and it has a wrist that can rotate and move the hand in
                                                                an up-and-down or side-to-side arc. Thus, an articulated-
                                                                arm robot can grip an object at almost any angle and at
                                                                almost any point within its reach.
                                                                This is probably why it is the most common design across
                                                                the general industrial landscape. Six-axis robots are used
                                                                for welding, painting, material handling, laser cutting,
                                                                gluing, assembly, quality testing, etc. And they can be
                                                                used for machine tending, including part removal from
                                                                injection molding machines.
                                                                7KLV ÁH[LELOLW\ RI RSHUDWLRQ  KRZHYHU  DOVR PHDQV WKDW WKHLU
                                                                FRQWURO V\VWHPV PXVW DOVR EH ÁH[LEOH  DEOH WR RSHUDWH WKH
          They also pair well with Cartesian robots. Many mounting   URERW LQ DOPRVW DQ\ DSSOLFDWLRQ  :LWK VRPH H[FHSWLRQV
          options and improved speed and ease of programming add
                                                                which we will get to shortly, this means that programming
                                                                an articulated-arm robot for part removal can be much
          :KLFK  LV  EHWWHU  IRU  LQMHFWLRQ  PROGLQJ  DSSOLFDWLRQV³  more complicated than programming a Cartesian robot
          Cartesian beam robots, six-axis articulated-arm robots,   WKDW FRPHV ZLWK D FRQWURO V\VWHP GHYHORSHG VSHFLÀFDOO\
          or collaborative robots (cobots)? That’s a little like asking   for injection molding. Even straight-line movement of an
          which is better for cooking—a frying pan or a
          spaghetti pot. You could scramble an egg in a
          spaghetti pot and you could boil pasta in a frying
          pan, but you probably wouldn’t like the results.
          Each tool has its place in the kitchen. The trick
          is to know which is best for your application.

          Sepro sells more Cartesian units than articulated-
          arm robots. Today, we offer plastics processors
          a choice of all three major robot technologies,
          as well as integrated automation solutions that
          working together to perform different functions.
          articulated-arm robots fit in an injection
          molding plant.

          Plastics News  August 2019   26
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