Page 28 - Plastics News August 2019
P. 28


          Implementing Automation Systems: How to Do It Right

                                                                                                    Markus Klaus

           f you’re thinking of putting a complex automation system   through automation is measurable and much more
          Ifor high-volume consumables into your plant, consider    repeatable and reliable.
          these tips on making sure both you and your supplier are
          ready to give it the best chance of success.           ‡    2YHUDOO HIÀFLHQF\  6LQFH DXWRPDWLRQ LV EHVW DSSOLHG
                                                                    right at the molding machine, parts orientation is
                                                                    never lost and therefore need not to be regained by
                                                                    expensive bowl feeders or other feeding systems.
                                                                    /RJLVWLFV DUH VLPSOLÀHG E\ QRW KDYLQJ WR VKLS SDUWV WR
                                                                    warehouses and back for further processing.
                                                                The point here is not to claim that humans perform
                                                                ´EDGO\µ LQ PDQXIDFWXULQJ SURFHVVHV  EXW UDWKHU WR VKRZ
                                                                that with the right knowledge, the right technology and
                                                                the right preparation you can equip your plant personnel
                                                                IRU KLJKHU WDVNV DQG PDNH XS IRU WKH ODFN RI D TXDOLÀHG
                                                                 DQG  HYHQ  XQTXDOLÀHG   ZRUN  IRUFH   DV  ZHOO  DV  LPSURYH
                                                                your production outputs, part quality, and overall
                                                                HIÀFLHQF\ DW ORZHU SDUW FRVW  7KH UHVW RI WKLV DUWLFOH ZLOO
          In today’s competitive world of manufacturing, it is more
                                                                address the different qualities of both the molder and
          QHFHVVDU\ WKDQ HYHU WR XVH PRUH HIÀFLHQW  DQG WKHUHIRUH   hardware/software supplier that are needed to guarantee
          sometimes complex, automation systems. The need for   a successful automation project.
          more automation has many sources. Here are some of the
          most obvious:                                         GETTING YOUR STAFF READY FOR AUTOMATION

              strict immigration rules have created a huge gap for   manpower to understand, operate and maintain highly
              all sectors of experienced labor. Skilled operators,   complex automation systems?
              process engineers and maintenance people are in   (OLPLQDWH ´ÀUHÀJKWLQJ µ 2QH ELJ FKDOOHQJH WRGD\ LV WKDW
              VKRUW VXSSO\ DQG FUHDWH D QHHG WR LPSURYH HIÀFLHQF\    after the economic crisis in 2008, many companies have
              effectiveness and lights-out operations.          radically reduced their maintenance staff and have
          ‡    &RQWDPLQDWLRQ  LVVXHV   0DQ\  PHGLFDO  RU  KLJK HQG   outsourced their moldmaking or mold-maintenance
              electronic products are very sensitive to contamination   operations. For many years, this did not seem to be a
              through human handling or do not allow contamination   SUREOHP  HVSHFLDOO\ LQ WKH ÀUVW WZR \HDUV DIWHU WKH *UHDW
              through particles (dust, liquids) or DNA.         Recession hit, because business was down). After that,
                                                                the effects still did not impact day-to-day operations
           ‡    3DUW TXDOLW\  'HSHQGLQJ RQ WKH VHQVLWLYLW\ RI SDUWV³GXH   drastically. Gradually, many companies came to accept
              to delicate surface features, soft material, very thin
              sections, and critical dimensions—any uncontrolled   WKH  ´ÀUHÀJKWLQJµ  PRGH  WKDW  UHVXOWHG  IURP  WKHVH  VWDII
                                                                shortages as the normal status of operation. For operating
              interaction with humans can damage a part or      a complex, high-speed automation system, this is a killer.
              decrease its quality. More human handling means
              more chances of quality defects.                  Don’t be scared. Implementing complex, high-speed
                                                                automation at a molder that has experienced only pick-
            ‡    3URGXFWLYLW\  $XWRPDWLRQ  FDQ  RIWHQ  ZRUN  IDVWHU    and-place or dropping parts out of the press is a scary and
              inspect faster, and occupy less floor space than   mostly unsuccessful approach. It is important that the
              manual operations. Automation systems also do not   molder contemplating an advanced automation project
              QHHG EUHDN WLPH RU KDYH SHUIRUPDQFH ÁXFWXDWLRQV   has been gradually exposed to automation from simple
              comparable to human operators. Most inspection
                                                                to more complex, and is therefore developing a solid

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