Page 50 - Plastics News June 2024
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          Plastic Ingenuity launches online series for packaging profes-

         Plastic Ingenuity has developed a free online course on Thermoform Circularity as part of its new Good Informa-
         tion continuing education series.

                  his course  is designed  to  recycling,  as  well  as  progress  being  aging buyers, sustainability managers
                  help industry insiders learn  made  toward  a  circular  economy.  A  and packaging students are all encour-
                  more about the principles  Thermoform  Circularity  certificate  is  aged to register.
                  of thermoformed packaging  available when the course is conclud-  This is the first course offered in Plas-
         and  how  thermoforming  can  impact  ed.                               tic Ingenuity’s Good Information se-
         sustainability initiatives.
                                              Thermoform Circularity lessons are  ries. Future course topics will include
         During  the  90-minute  course,  stu-  taught  by  Zach  Muscato,  corporate  Healthcare  Packaging  Sustainability,
         dents  will  complete  lessons  provid-  sustainability manager,  and Sarah  Sustainable Polymers, Advanced Re-
         ing an overview of the thermoforming  Webber,  sustainable packaging engi-  cycling, Packaging  Legislation and
         process,  types  of polymers used in  neer at Plastic Ingenuity.  Packaging  more.
         thermoformed  products, insights on  engineers, procurement officers, pack-                   Source - MPN
         mechanical  recycling  and  advanced  aging development researchers, pack-

          EPR program sent to Minnesota gov in budget bill

                  innesota  is poised to be  governor’s desk.                    to  Gov.  Tim  Walz,  a  Democrat.  Min-
                  the  fifth  U.S.  state  to  pass   The text of Packaging Waste and Cost   nesota’s legislative session ended May
                  extended  producer respon-  Reduction  Act  was  added  into  the   20.
                  sibility for packaging after   budget, which re-passed the House on  An Environment and Natural Resourc-
         adding the program language into the   May 17 on a vote of 70-56 after some  es Finance and Policy Committee press
         2024 Environment  and Natural Re-   amendments. On May 19, it was sent  release noted that  the “EPR provisions
         sources Budget, which is now on the

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