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          weight, and durable, but their strength   handling  massive quantities of  Vestas’ Circularity Solution
          and  durability  make  them  difficult  to   wind turbine blades (WTBs). De-
                                                                                 Vestas  introduced an innovative  so-
                                                                                 lution to eliminate landfill disposal of
                                                                                 epoxy-based turbine blades. By lever-
                                                                                 aging new chemical technology, Vestas
                                                                                 can make these blades circular without
                                                                                 redesigning them. This process, devel-
                                                                                 oped  with  Aarhus  University  and  the
                                                                                 Danish Technological Institute, breaks
                                                                                 down epoxy resin into reusable materi-
                                                                                 als. Once scaled, this technology will
                                                                                 enable the reuse of legacy blade mate-
                                                                                 rial, fostering a circular economy in the
                                                                                 wind industry.
                                                                                 Maximizing Wind Turbine Blade Life-
                                                                                 cycle  through  Reuse  and  Repurpos-

          Generic cross-section  of rotor blade. Courtesy of Accelerating Wind Turbine
          Blade Circularity – 2020

          recycle. The primary challenge lies in   spite  challenges  and  uncertain-
          separating these elements into homo-   ties, it shows potential for indus-
          geneous input streams for new uses.    trial-scale recycling.

          Some recycling processes do not at-  •   Mechanical  Recycling:  Widely  Vestas introduces a circularity solution
          tempt to separate composite materi-    used  and  energy-efficient,  me-  to eliminate landfill disposal for turbine
          als,  while  others  may  struggle  to  re-  chanical recycling involves shred-  blades. Courtesy of Vestas.
          produce  the  structural  characteristics   ding and reprocessing WTBs. This
          of virgin  materials. Blades typically   method  is  particularly  viable  for   ing
          use thermoset resins that form strong   smaller blades.
          cross-linked polymers during curing,   •   Fluidized Bed Recycling: This pro-  Reusing and repurposing wind turbine
          making it difficult to break them down   cess demonstrates lower primary   blades is crucial for extending their
          to recover raw materials for new com-  energy  demand,  reduced  global   lifecycle  and  minimizing  waste.  It  is
          posite products.                                                       essential to utilize and maintain blades
                                                 warming  potential,  and  lower   for  as  long  as  possible,  with  regular
          Exploring Wind Turbine Blade Recy-     power consumption, making it an   servicing  and  repairs  necessary  to
          cling Techniques                       environmentally friendly choice.
                                                                                 achieve their intended lifespan. For
          The  growing  demand  for  sustainable  •   Cement  co-processing  involves  lifetime extension, a thorough assess-
          energy  solutions  increases  the  need   using shredded blades as an alter-  ment  involving fatigue  load analysis
          for effective  recycling  methods for   native fuel and raw material in ce-  using SCADA data,  site inspections,
          WTBs. Experts have  proposed  vari-    ment kilns. This process reduces  and  maintenance  reviews  is  neces-
          ous  wind-blade  recycling  techniques,   CO2 emissions from cement pro-  sary, potentially leading to repairs and
          including  mechanical, thermal, and    duction and incorporates blade  reinforcements. Standards for lifetime
          chemical processes:                    materials into the cement matrix.  extension  have been developed by
          •   Microwave  Pyrolysis:  Microwave  Successful Case Studies in Sustaina-  DNV-GL (DNVGL-ST-0262) and are
             pyrolysis emerges  as the most  ble Waste Management and Disposal   being developed by the IEC (IEC TS
             promising technique, capable of                                     61400-28).

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