Page 54 - Plastics News June 2024
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                                                                                 Companies in Europe and North
                                                                                 America are also focusing on selling
                                                                                 refurbished turbines and components.
                                                                                 Beyond reuse, repurposing involves
                                                                                 using parts of the blade for different
                                                                                 applications,  usually  of  lower  value,
                                                                                 such as playgrounds, street furniture,
                                                                                 and structural components  for build-
                                                                                 ings.  However,  these  repurposing  ef-
                                                                                 forts are currently demonstration pro-
                                                                                 jects and not yet scalable solutions for
                                                                                 the anticipated future volumes of blade

                                                                                          Source - Plastics Engineering

          Blade  repurposing:  Bike  shed  in  Aalborg,  Denmark.  Courtesy  of  Accelerating
          Wind Turbine Blade Circularity – 2020.

          Greater measurement for better management

                  Stina Inc.  collects  data  at  materials  and  actions,  along  with  Based on the 2018 Advancing Sus-
                  a critical step in the plastic  benchmarking  data  throughout the  tainable  Materials:  Facts  and  Figures
                  recycling value chain—from  value  chain, is needed  to deliver the  Report (Facts  and Figures), EPA  re-
                  recyclers. These are compa-  insights for businesses and people to  ported generation of plastic materi-
          nies that purchase and process scrap  make  continuous  improvement  and  als  in  three  main  categories:  Durable
          plastic into feedstock  for remanufac-  better  choices to protect  resources.  Goods  (38%),  Non-Durable  Goods
          turing. They are the engines of the re-  Measuring  where  we  are  is  essential  (21%),  and  Containers  and  Packag-
          cycling economy. While not the whole  if we are to implement strategies that  ing  (41%),  which  are  important  dis-
          story, the data collected at this point  support the recycling economy and  tinctions for deployment of solutions.
          in the value chains gives us an aggre-  ultimately the emergence of a circular  Another important distinction, and a
          gated assessment of the total volumes  economy.                        challenge related to available data, is a
          of material recovered for recycling and   Materials like paper, metal, glass and   clear understanding of the amount of
          acquired by markets for processing.                                    material generated from residential (or
                                             plastics  have  vastly  different  meth-
          Measuring  plastics  relative  to  other  ods to measure what’s generated and   individual use) versus commercial use.
                                             what’s recycled. All materials face gaps  Consistent, Transparent Data Report-
                                             in information available to fully capture  ing
                                             how much gets generated and is avail-  Stina  Inc.  surveys  recyclers  (plastic
                                             able for recycling. In addition to pro-  reclaimers),  exporters  and other key
                                             duction of goods in the United States,   players in the value chain to gather data
                                             there is a significant amount of mate-  on the pounds recovered for recycling.
                                             rial entering  and  exiting  the  country   Once various items are collected (e.g.,
                                             on trucks,  ships and planes carrying   through curbside programs, drop off
                                             unfinished and finished goods and not   or sourced-separated  by businesses)
                                             everything  produced  and  imported  is   and consolidated for market, reclaim-
                                             used and discarded in that given year.
                                                                                 ers or exporters (who sell to reclaim-

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