Page 64 - Plastics News May 2024
P. 64


          Nanotechnology: Advancing the Degradation of Plastics

                 anotechnology  offers  tech-  years  or 500–1000 years.  Similarly,  cumulation  in the  environment.  Inor-
                 niques for degrading plastics  estimates for “plastic” bottles suggest  ganic fillers can be added to polymers
                 that  help  address  pollution  decomposition times ranging from  to form nanocomposites to enhance
                 issues caused by improper  over 70 to 450 years.                its mechanical and thermal properties
         disposal.                                                               and  degradability. Nanocomposites
                                             The  Role  of  Nanotechnology  in  are polymers with dispersed inorganic
         The  widespread use  of  various  poly-
         mers in multiple industries is primarily   Plastics Degradation         fillers in a polymeric matrix. The incor-
         due to their durability and high stabil-  Mechanical recycling of plastics is an   poration of nanoparticles such as TiO2
         ity, which ensure resistance to extreme  essential tool in a sustainable econo-  into polymers has proven to increase
         conditions, including temperatures,  my.  However,  this  process  continues   the composites degradability.
         moisture, and UV exposure. However,  to encounter challenges that impedes   A Step Towards Sustainable Plas-
         this  very  trait  also  contributes  to  the  its global effectiveness.  Despite the
         primary environmental concern posed  presence of a strong infrastructure and   tic Management
         by plastics. Ultraviolet light is required  recycling facilities, limitations such as  As the demand for sustainable solu-
         to break down the molecules of plas-  the  scarcity  of  collection  and  sorting  tions to reduce plastic pollution contin-
         tics spontaneously into progressively  sites, complexities in segregating plas-  ues to rise, integrating nanotechnology
         smaller pieces that microbes can me-  tic types and the elevated costs of gath-  into polymer manufacturing  emerges
         tabolize and  fully degrade.  Typically,  ering and treating plastic waste persist.  as a promising alternative  for future
         degradation times for plastic bags falls  Nanotechnology emerges as a modern  industrial applications.
         between  one  of  two  ranges:  10–20  solution to the challenge of plastics ac-
                                                                                         Source – Plastics Engineering

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