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          ers can conveniently access data and  allowing  for  rapid  gate  freeze.  Con-  tomers’ fingertips.
          control systems on-site or remotely,  structed from H-13, the bushing is in-  About PCS Company
          as needed.                         tegrally heated, protecting the heater   PCS  Company  is  a  Misumi  Group
          Hardened Throughout Ejector Pins®   and  replaceable  thermocouple  while   Company  and  is  headquartered  in
          featuring  black  nitride  surface  treat-  also providing superior heat transfer   Metro Detroit’s Fraser Michigan.
          ment  for  high  hardness  for  clean-  capabilities.
          room,  medical  and  any  challenging  Gesswein  Mold  &  Die  Micro  Tig   Founded  in  1950,  PCS  Company  is
          molding applications.  Constructed of  Welder  U6  –  110V  puts  the  latest   a team of industry experts providing
          hot work steel with a core hardness  micro  TIG  welding  capabilities  right   solutions and innovative products for
          of  48-55  HRC,  the  pins  can  achieve  at  the  user’s  fingertips.    This  device   the  plastics  injection  molding,  mold
          even higher hardness of up to 66-70  saves  time  and  money  by  allowing   making,  and  die  casting  industries.
          HRC when coated with the black ni-  in-house  mold  repairs  such  as  part-  We are committed to our mission of
          tride surface treatment.  Available in  ing  lines,  mold  seams,  3-point  cor-  being the industry’s leading provider
          16 standard diameters and four stand-  ners and edges. Portable and easy to   of  high-quality,  competitively-priced
          ard lengths, these pins are also avail-  use, the unit comes pre-programmed   products and services while providing
          able in oversize options.          for use on steel, aluminum and cop-  the highest level of customer service.
          AIRTECT Plastic Leak Alarm Systems   per.  Simply  set  the  program  for  the  We offer standard, off the shelf, and
          provide  24-hour  protection  for  hot   particular mold repair operation and  custom, made-to-order die and mold
          runner systems or IMM injection noz-  begin welding with the optimal weld  making  supplies  throughout  North
          zles.  Users  receive  instant  feedback   pulse and time lapse – it can be used  America. Our product categories in-
          from the direct protected area in the   to weld slides, ejectors and core pins,  clude mold bases, mold components,
          form of an alarm and/or the suspen-  too. The system comes fully equipped  molding  supplies  and  solutions,  hot
          sion of production, helping minimize   with SMM microscope with articulat-  runner systems, cutting tools, and our
          damage and downtime. The AIRTECT   ing  arm,  LED  light,  electrode  hand-  latest advancement into additive man-
          Plastic Leak Alarm Systems are avail-  piece, set of (10) 0.6mm, (10) 0.8mm  ufacturing.  We partner with our cus-
          able  in  a  variety  of  options  depend-  and (10) 1.0mm electrodes, electrode  tomers  to  provide  innovative  prod-
          ing on the customer’s needs. System   sharpener,  ground  cables  and  argon  ucts and solutions that improve ROI
          accessories  and  spare  parts  are  also   gas regulator.             and  make  our  customers  successful.
          available from PCS Company.        PCS Company will showcase its com-  Our team of experts are located na-
                                                                                 tionwide to best service you. We have
          The new PCS  0.750 Integrally Heat-  plete line of Smartflow® products, in-  branch facility locations in the United
          ed Sprue Bushings help shorten cycle   cluding Mechanical Flowmeters, Me-  States  in  Fraser  and  Grand  Rapids,
          times  without  compromising  part   chanical  Flow  Regulators,  Low  Flow   Michigan  and  Torrance,  California.
          quality. These exclusive small- to me-  Indicators  and  Mold  Temperature   Our international presence continues
          dium-volume  bushings  are  ideal  for   Regulators. In addition, PCS will high-  into Canada and Mexico in order to
          use  with  a  wide  range  of  commod-  light the Smartflow Custom Manifold   expand our reach throughout North
          ity resins. A streamlined flow channel   Configurator, which puts the capabil-  America.
          terminates  in  a  reverse  taper  gate,   ity to build one’s own manifolds and
          providing minimum pressure loss and   choose  specific  accessories  at  cus-

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