Page 59 - Plastics News April 2024
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          machine capable of such a large PET
          product in four cavities. Other ISBM
          systems can handle at most two cavi-
          ties  and  require  two  extruders.  Cy-
          pet’s system uses one extruder. The
          water  bottle  (18.9  L)  has  a  55-mm
          neck diameter and weighs 600 to 720
          g.  It  can  accommodate  up  to  50%
          FIG 4 Novel PET agricultural applica-
          tion uses an unstretched base with a
          pointed extension that interlocks with
          the neck of an identical part and also
          enables the assembly to be driven into
          the soil to support plant growth. Pho-
          to Credit: Cypet Technologies                                          typical size in the market for such a
                                             part. In use, five of these parts will be
          A second new achievement is a novel  connected  end  to  end,  enabling  the   container, Sideris says. This container
          PET  product  developed  for  an  agri-  combined structure to extend 2 me-  has a 137-mm neck and weighs 1,250
          cultural  application  in  Mexico.  The  ters above the ground. It’s molded in   g. It’s stackable two-high. Other new
          finished  product  is  a  424-mm  long  16 cavities.                   developments  last  year  were  not  so
          tube,  40  mm  wide  with  a  40.5-mm   FIG 5 New from Cypet are 60L stack-  much new to the industry as the first
          neck  (Figure  4).  Internal  volume  is   able  PET  industrial  containers  with   time they had been made on Cypet’s
          only 0.3 L; weight is 62 g. The most   twin integral handles, entering a mar-  machines  A  PET  jar  with  a  blown
          unusual feature is a pointed tip in the   ket where 20 L was the typical size.   neck, made by molding a dome above
          unstretched base, which enables it to   Photo Credit: Cypet Technologies  the neck and then removing it with a
          be driven into the soil to serve as a                                  spin trimmer.
          support for plants to grow up around   Also  new  in  2023  was  Cypet’s  first
          it. Tight tolerances are required in the   60-L  stackable  industrial  container
          injection  molded  base  so  that  it  in-  with twin integral handles (Figure 5).
          terlocks with the neck of an identical   Up  to  now,  20  L  has  been  a  more

         PCS will Showcase Products to Boost Injection Molding Productivity
         and Streamline Operations at NPE2024

                                             NPE2024, being held from May 6-10  MCS Hot Runner Control System fea-
                                             in Orlando. Visitors can find the fol-  tures fast control response and next-
                                             lowing  innovations  in  booth  W3801  level intuitive operation, and provides
                                             on the second floor of the West Build-  unique  and  innovative  controller
                                             ing at the Orange County Convention  functions  that  even  untrained  users
                                             Center in Orlando, Florida.         can  operate  safely  and  confidently.
                                             MCS  Hot  Runner  Control  Systems   In addition, integrated interfaces op-
             CS Company, Fraser, Michigan, a  use the latest technology to acceler-  timize  communication  between  the
          Pteam of industry experts providing  ate temperature control precisely and   controller and injection molding ma-
          solutions and innovative products for  effortlessly.  Universally  effective  for   chine, enabling faster error detection,
          the  plastics  injection  molding,  mold  the  control  of  all  standard  hot  run-  analysis and feedback so users reduce
          making, and die casting industries, will  ner systems, as well as for demanding   costs  and  downtime.  Standard  con-
          introduce  several  new  products  at  high-performance  applications,  the   troller range is 6 to 120 zones. Mold-

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