Page 61 - Plastics News April 2024
P. 61


         Pentagon Plastics Brings Manufacturing Quality to the Next Level

                                             which is why it has announced its just  we have been capable to offer previ-
                                             made  a  hearty  investment  in  new  ously.  FAIR reporting will be simpli-
                                             CNC measurement technologies.       fied and deliver huge time savings for

                                             Pentagon Plastics is taking delivery of   the quality department while enhanc-
                                             a new LVC 400 Series fully automat-  ing customer service levels.  My team
                                             ed video measurement system while   and I are looking forward to being ful-
                                             Pentagon  Tooling  will  be  receiving  a   ly trained on our new measurement
                                             Deltron CNC Coordinate Measuring    equipment."
                                             Machine courtesy of industry supplier,  The LVC Series measurement system
                                             Vision Engineering.                 brings  high  precision  and  fully  auto-
                                             Pentagon  already  delivers  both   mated performance, with the capacity
                                             mould  tool  manufacture  and  plastic   for multiple parts to be measured eas-
                                             injection  moulding  services  under  a   ily in a single programme.  Delivering
                                             ISO9001:2015  certified  quality  man-  accuracy and time saving benefits, this
                                             agement  system,  this  latest  invest-  technology will be a valuable addition
                                             ment  into  new  technologies  will  el-  to the Moulding Division.
                                             evate  its  quality  assured  processes  The Deltron CNC Coordinate meas-
                                             even further.                       uring  machine  will  be  sited  directly
                                             Pentagon’s  four  strong  quality  team   on the shop floor in the Tooling Di-
              uality is at the heart of all manu-                                vision at Pentagon and its design will
          Qfacturing processes, getting the   is headed up by quality leader, Lloyd   allow for swift and enhanced accuracy
          product  right  first  time  every  time   Bolton  who  said,  "This  latest  invest-  in  measurement  for  electrodes  and
                                             ment  into  CNC  measurement  tech-
          and ensuring consistency for volume                                    smaller tooling elements.
          production is a priority at Pentagon,   nology will elevate our internal quality
                                             checking  processes  beyond  anything

         Mandatory recycled content

          European plastics producers support  tion and investment are vital in finding
          the European Commission’s proposal  better ways to reduce waste and im-
          for  a  mandatory  EU  recycled  con-  prove recycling efficiency every step
          tent1 target for plastics packaging and  of the way.
          have  called  for  a  target  of  30%  for
          plastics  packaging  by  2030.  Innova-

         Boosting sustainability

          The  transition  to  a  sustainable  and  ment,  circularity  and  ending  plastic  example, cars using lower-weight ma-
          circular  plastics  economy  demands  waste in the environment.        terials, the energy lost from buildings,
          focus,  collaboration  and  sizeable,   While we are fully aware of the chal-  and the electrification of our energy
          long-term investments in systems and   lenges, it is also essential to recognise   grid and transport systems. Plastic is
          technology that can deliver the transi-  our industry’s contribution to sustain-  an essential material to ensure a sus-
          tion to a zero-waste future. We are   ability. This includes helping to reduce   tainable future and has a vital role in
          fully committed to addressing the im-  food waste through plastic packaging   helping  Europe  achieve  its  Green
          mense  challenges  of  waste  manage-  while reducing carbon emissions. For   Deal ambitions.

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