Page 58 - Plastics News September 2024
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          sort materials,” Bailey said.                         “These things also typically just fall off in the
                                                                truck or in the system,” Bailey added. “In many
          The effectiveness of trackers has been under          ways it shows that the recycling system is work-
          debate for years, especially in the electronics re-   ing properly if that material gets kicked out,
          cycling industry. Recently, several “tracker tests”   because it’s seeing it as a contaminant,” she
          have received mainstream media coverage, with         added, but that’s not something the consumer
          items placed in recycling bins ending up in land-     necessarily understands.
          fills or storage facilities, and some also ending
          up overseas.                                          If people want to know if recycling is working,
                                                                Bailey suggested reaching out to a local MRF,
          An APR press release added that “it makes             as many are happy to do tours and explain the
          sense that some people might try to find out          systems.
          for themselves whether their local recycling pro-
          grams are, in fact, working,” and while a tracker     “Please don’t trust those tracker things, please
          “makes for an interesting experiment,” the re-        don’t do your own tracker,” Bailey said.
          sults are not accurate.
                                                                “I appreciate that people are curious and they
          Bailey said that the first issue is that a tracker is   want to know,” she said, but “there’s nothing like
          “this big clunky thing that’s taped on the side.”     seeing a MRF actually processing and sorting
                                                                the 20, 30, 40 tons an hour of recyclables.”
          Material with an electronic tracker on it will likely
          be sorted out by optical sorters, AI or human         APR is also hosting a virtual MRF tour with Eure-
          workers, as it will be treated not only as contam-    ka Recycling on Sept. 11, Bailey added, for those
          ination but as a threat to worker and machine         who can’t access a MRF in person.
          safety. If attached to a lightweight material, the                        Source – Plastics Recycling Update
          tracker might also make the material too heavy
          to be moved by air jets.

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