Page 59 - Plastics News September 2024
P. 59


          Retrofit Homogeneity - Melt Blenders to Step up

          Efficiencies in Extrusion Lines

                                                                rates. To meet these re- quirements, the poly-
                                                                mer needs to melt within very short time, with
                                                                driving tem- perature differences at a high level.
                                                                Due to the nature of the process, high tem- per-
                                                                ature differences within the melt are obtained.
                                                                The difference between high- est and lowest
                                                                melt temperature mea- sured in the extruder
                                                                outlet may well be above 15C. And downstream
                                                                devices such as melt pumps or screen changers
                                                                also generate temperature differences. The vari-
                                                                ation in temperatures within the melt may cause
                                                                in many cases quality problems. This is due to
                                                                the fact that a temperature gradient in the melt
                                                                means flow and cooling behaviors will vary, too.
                                                                The flow profile in the case of laminar plastic melt
                                                                flow is parabolic – meaning the melt flows much
                                                                faster in the center than in the boundary section.
                   any extrusion processes cannot be            This leads to significant differences in melt resi-
                   operated at the maximum output rate          dence times. High residence times and tempera-
          Mspecified by the producer. The maxi-                 ture peaks may then yield the undesired effects
          mum production capacity is rather determined          of polymer degrading and building of deposits.
          by the quality requirements of the extrudate.
          High output rates then lead to unacceptable var-      These are the challenges the static mixer tack-
          iations in layer thicknesses, to uneven or rough      les.
          surfaces, sink marks or other quality problems.       The Effects of a Melt Blender
          With quality requirements constantly increasing,
          and with polymer processing growing more dif-         A well laid out melt blender is able to equalize
          ficult, start-up and adjusting the optimum oper-      temperature differences effec- tively. A melt
          ating point takes more and more time. Both fac-       blender  by  Promix  Solutions  AG,  Winterthur,
          tors diminish productivity, cause expenses, and       Switzerland, can diminish temperature differ-
          can sometimes be quite unnerving, too.                ences by a factor of 5 to 12, subject to layout.
                                                                Correspondingly, it reduces a 15C temperature
          Quality Problems Due to Temperature Differ-           variation  over  the  channel  cross section  down
          ences                                                 to 1.25 to 3C. Figure 1 presents typical tempera-

          Extruders are supposed to melt the poly- mer          ture distributions in the melt at the extruder out-
          and convey it under high pressure at a constant       let with and without a Promix melt blender. The
          rate. The extruder itself should be as compact        melt blender’s geometry decides on the ques-
          as possible as well as gen- erate high output         tion whether the maximum benefit is achieved.
                                                                The Title fig- ure shows a static mixer of the lat-

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             September 2024
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