Page 57 - Plastics News September 2024
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          ulated material by color. Recently, Aaron began       anyway,” Marchand says. “But it certainly pro-
          using the system at full-scale, commercial truck-     vides more options to the end user.”
          load volumes.
                                                                After sorting, sometimes with multiple iterations,
          For certain streams, the sorter expands what          materials go on to one of Aaron’s six extrusion
          Aaron  can  do, turning  a mixed  stream  into  a     lines for blending and pelletization. Finally, post-
          stream  that  is  closer  to  a  particular  color,  or   blending assures the customer receives a uni-
          closer to white or natural. “We’re not matching       form and consistent product.
          colors to an actual Pantone,” Marchand explains.
          “It just opens up the palette for what we can do      The FDA has issued letters of no objection to
          with that particular stream.”                         Aaron for recycling of polyethylene and poly-
                                                                styrene, which enables their use in food contact
          Each sort brings the material closer to a desired     applications. These materials can also be en-
          color, not eliminating the other colors entirely      hanced by the sorting system, enabling Aaron
          but bringing them to a level that makes the resin     to work with a customer to offer a compound
          more usable. The new sorting equipment ena-           that includes recycled material in a color that will
          bles Aaron to produce variations of red, blue,        work for their application.
          green, yellow, orange, white and even lighter
          shades.                                               The company also works with virgin materials,
                                                                offering mixed content compounds to custom-
          A recycled stream will not typically be sortable      ers that want to incorporate recycled materials
          to a pure natural, for example, it can be mostly      but also need the virgin content for more stable
          natural with a hue to it, which can be colored        processing and better mechanical properties.
          or matched to an application. “It’s tough to sort     Aaron has a minimum batch size for optically
          something to 100%, so a lot of the products we        sorted material of just 1,000 lbs, with no maxi-
          make will have a greenish or bluish hue to them       mum.
          that can be colored over, or won’t matter much                                 Source – Plastics Technology
          if the customer is going to make blue or green

          APR encourages MRF tours over ‘tracker tests’

                 he Association of Plastic Recyclers is en-     cling,” APR Chief Policy Officer Kate Bailey said
                 couraging members of the public who            that adding trackers “just doesn’t work the way
          Thave questions about what really hap-                people think it will work.” APR owns Resource
          pens to their recycling to book a MRF tour in-        Recycling, Inc., which publishes Plastics Recy-
          stead of putting trackers in curbside materials.      cling Update.

          In an episode of APR’s Recycled Content Pod-          “It actually has the opposite effect. The sorting
          cast, “Correcting the Record on Plastic Recy-         equipment at the MRF is highly specialized to

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