Page 77 - Plastics News September 2024
P. 77


          3. Complexity of Plastic Types                        enhancement of the recycling process. Prohibi-
                                                                tion of the utilization of the single-use plastics
          Challenge: Some of these are the convention-          and encouragement for the utilization of envi-
          al ones which include the following: There are        ronmentally friendly plastics is something that
          many types of plastics but some of the com-           needs to be supported legally. Also, actions
          monly known ones include: This makes it com-          about the removal of currently present plastic
          plex on how to handle plastics in the best way        wastes and funding of studies on other materi-
          that would enhance its processing hence caus-         als may assure the safety of threatened species
          ing contamination and low overall efficiency.         and their habitats.

          Solution: This can be solved by improving the         5. Lack of Public Awareness
          techniques of sorting and the technologies to
          follow through with recycling processes differ-
          ent for each type of plastic. The authors also
          note that standardizing plastic products so the
          materials are more easily recyclable and increas-
          ing knowledge about sorting can also help cut

          4. Environmental Impact of Plastic Waste

                                                                Challenge: Many individuals hardly have any
                                                                information on the repercussions of plastics or
                                                                even good ways of handling them. This unfortu-
                                                                nate make people to fail in their efforts of recy-
                                                                cling and thereby contributing to production of
                                                                more wastes.

                                                                Solution: Carrying out awareness creation
          Challenge: The impact of plastic wastes in-           through education and putting out proper infor-
          cludes; pollution of land and water bodies, af-       mation on the significance of proper manage-
          fecting animals, and through microplastics, they      ment of plastics can be useful in raising aware-
          contribute to climate change.                         ness among the people. Teachers and parents,

                                                                community, and the media have a crucial part in
          Solution: These adverse effects may be solved         raising awareness and ensuring correct conduct
          by the decrease in the use of plastics and the

                                                                                             PLASTICS NEWSASTICS NEWS
             September 2024
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