Page 76 - Plastics News September 2024
P. 76
way, one can encourage the inhabitants of the
society to practice recycling, and, concurrently,
for the effective sorting, processing, and recy-
cling of plastics. This inadequacy leads to the lit-
tering of the environment with plastics and or
disposal in landfills and oceans.
a work on the development of the sorting that
contributes to the growth for recycling rates can
be carried out. In addition to that, sensitisization
of the public on the aspect of no use of single-
use plastics and encouraging the use of recycla- Solution: It is for the governments and business-
ble plastics like biodegradable ones would also es to fund improvement in recycling facilities and
go a long way in minimizing the generation of the construction of new ones. Backing up com-
wastes. munity based recycling programs and encour-
aging organizations to come up with and utilize
2. Inadequate Recycling Infrastructure
recyclable materials can also improve recycling
capacities. A recycling network must be created,
Challenge: At the same time, more and more re-
gions are not provided with enough capacities and cooperation between the governments and
business organizations should be achieved.
76 78 PL September 2024
September 2024