Page 63 - Plastics News September 2024
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          a robot to use in their facility. The limitation of   resent an affordable route into automation for
          this offering is that it will only suit certain simple   some first-time users.
          applications, for example, palletising, or particu-
          lar welding options. The upside is that the robot     In conclusion, when designing or upgrading any
          can be repurposed for multiple product types          production line, make sure to consider automa-
          – palletising a box of cakes is effectively the       tion as one of the cornerstones of your project
          same process as palletising a box of dishwash-        from the outset. By working with a reputable au-
          er tables, for instance. Talk to your automation      tomation supplier, you can ensure your manu-
          supplier to determine if RaaS could be right for      facturing facility is optimised for success, not
          your needs in the short-term – by allowing firms      just for today, but for years to come.
          to  test  the  water  and  experience  the  benefits                          Source – Medical Plastics News
          before making their own investment, it can rep-

          3 Common Injection Molding Challenges and

          How to Solve Them

                                                                tion floor is that a part comes out “right” directly
                                                                after molding, and then, after storage, suddenly
                                                                has the wrong dimensions. A diameter that was
                                                                verified a couple of hours after molding may no
                                                                longer fit, or an assembly dimension may no
                                                                longer fit within range.

                                                                This most frustrating fact has to do with a defect
                                                                called shrinkage, a behavior natural to polymers
                                                                and  specially to  semi-crystalline  polymers. It  is
                                                                related with the viscous component of the visco-
                     hen a molded part is rejected, it is       elastic behavior, and it is described by the ability
                     normally due to one of three crite-        of molecules to flow relatively to each other, and
          Wria: dimensional stability, warpage or               to arrange when energy is available.
          appearance. Always, the first step to  injection
          molding troubleshooting is to be able to name         The main cause for shrinkage is the availability
          the defect correctly; the second step is to iden-     of “free energy” within the polymer to enable
          tify where it comes from.                             molecular movement. This energy comes from
                                                                heat in the injection molding process. So, basi-
          Troubleshooting Size Problems
                                                                cally, whenever there is heat available, molecular

          One of the most common problems in the injec-         rearrangement will happen.

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