Page 65 - Plastics News September 2024
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          The future of plastics – biodegradable polymers

          leading the way

                                                                       The global biodegradable polymer
                                                                       market is set to grow from $8.34
                                                                       billion in 2024 to $20.04 billion by
                                                                       2031, driven by a robust CAGR of
                                                                       11.4%. Persistence Market Research
                                                                       discusses the growth.

                 his  growth  is  fuelled  by  rising  environ-  Technological innovations: Pioneering new
                 mental awareness, stringent regulations         materials
          Tagainst plastic waste, and technological
          advancements in polymer properties. Biodegrad-         The advancement of technology is at the heart
          able polymers, made from renewable sources             of the biodegradable polymer market’s evolu-
          like starch and lactic acid, offer eco-friendly al-    tion. Recent innovations include the develop-
          ternatives to traditional plastics, breaking down      ment of advanced materials like polylactic acid
          into non-toxic components. Key trends include          (PLA) and polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA), which
          advancements in compostable packaging, de-             offer enhanced performance and faster degra-
          velopment of marine-degradable polymers, in-           dation. This section highlights key technological
          tegration into 3D printing, and increased use in       breakthroughs and how they address the limita-
          agriculture and medical implants. Government           tions of earlier biodegradable polymers, paving
          incentives and corporate sustainability efforts        the way for more efficient and durable solutions.
          are also accelerating market expansion accord-         Consumer demand: Driving the shift towards
          ing to persistence market research.

          Introduction: The rise of biodegradable poly-          Consumer preferences  are shifting towards
                                                                 more sustainable products, and biodegradable
          In a world increasingly conscious of environmen-       polymers are benefiting from this trend. As en-
          tal impact, biodegradable polymers are emerg-          vironmental awareness grows, consumers are
          ing as a revolutionary solution to plastic pollution.   increasingly seeking alternatives to conventional
          These materials, designed to break down more           plastics. This section examines how rising de-
          rapidly and safely than traditional plastics, of-      mand for eco-friendly products is influencing the
          fer a promising alternative for various industries.    biodegradable polymer market and driving com-
          This section explores the motivations behind           panies to adopt more sustainable practices.
          the growing interest in biodegradable polymers         Regulatory landscape: Policies promoting bio-
          and their potential to transform our approach to       degradable solutions
          packaging and beyond.

                                                                 Government regulations and policies are crucial

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