Page 68 - Plastics News September 2024
P. 68


          3D printing from granule

                                                                has some limitations. Nowadays, it is impossible
                                                                to produce little artifacts with nice aesthetics us-
                                                                ing “benchtop” granule printers. The main ap-
                                                                plications involve large parts, where visible lay-
                                                                ers are not a problem and can be exploited to
                                                                achieve aesthetic textures or be “smoothed” by
                                                                post-processing and eventual painting.

                                                                Large Format Additive Manufacturing (LFAM)
                                                                FGF 3D printing is increasingly popular in areas
                                                                such as:
                 irect 3D printing from FGF/LFAM granule
                 is gaining popularity due to the grow-         Carbon fiber-reinforced versions offer excellent
          Ding variety of application areas and in-             structural properties, dimensional stability, easy
          creased possibilities in terms of materials that      post-processability, and paintability.
          can be used. LATI3Dlab has developed a wide           Materials Developed by LATI3Dlab for FGF
          range of AM technical compounds designed to           Technology
          ensure excellent printability and maximum per-
          formance for this challenging technology.             LATI3Dlab, which has been engaged in the de-
                                                                velopment of AM materials for 3D filament tech-
          FGF and FFF 3D printing                               nology for many years, has developed materials

          When people talk about 3D printing by layer           specifically for FGF technology that are ideal for
          deposition, they commonly think of FFF (Fused         large-scale  printing.  Types  of  materials  within
          Filament Fabrication). This technology is the         the LATI3Dlab product portfolio include:
          cheapest and most popular, with a wide choice         ♦   Classical:  PETg  and  PC,  including  recycled
          of printers (from entry-level to professional) and        (LATIECO AM) and self-extinguishing  ver-
          materials that can be used.                               sions (PETG V0 and PC V0)
          In parallel, Fused Granulated Fabrication (FGF),      ♦   UV stabilized: for outdoor use
          i.e.,  direct  3D  printing  from  granule,  is  increas-  ♦   Rinforzati fibra vetro e carbonio: per propri-
          ingly gaining momentum as it offers the possi-            età meccaniche e stabilità dimensionale su-
          bility of bypassing the extrusion of the material         periori
          – whether it is a polymer as is or loaded/rein-       ♦   In the specific case of technical compounds
          forced compound – into filament. What are the             intended for LFAM, it is possible to find:
                                                                ♦   PC/PBT and PC/PETg blends: also in their
          ♦   Reduced costs in the supply chain
                                                                    mechanical recycling versions, reinforced
          ♦   Improved thermal and mechanical properties            with 30 percent glass fiber and carbon fiber.
             of the molded part
                                                                ♦   PA12 e PPS: rinforzati al 30% fibra di car-
          ♦   Freedom of formulation: greater flexibility           bonio per applicazioni più sfidanti.
             in material choice without the constraints of
             extrudability and filament flexibility.                                           Source: smart_molding

          Is FGF 3D printing always advantageous?
          Despite its many advantages, FGF technology

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