Page 67 - Plastics News September 2024
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          and technology development, leading to the ad-        industry.
          vancement of biodegradable polymer solutions
          and a more sustainable future.                        Conclusion

          Market outlook: What lies ahead for biode-            The biodegradable polymer market is at a pivot-
          gradable polymers                                     al moment, driven by technological innovations,
                                                                regulatory support, and shifting consumer pref-
          Looking ahead, the biodegradable polymer mar-         erences. As the industry continues to evolve, it
          ket is poised for continued growth. Technologi-       holds the promise of reducing plastic pollution
          cal advancements, supportive regulations, and         and fostering a more sustainable future. Stay
          rising consumer demand are all contributing to        tuned to this digital magazine for the latest up-
          a positive outlook. This final section provides a     dates and in-depth analysis on the biodegrad-
          comprehensive market forecast, discussing an-         able polymer market.
          ticipated trends, potential challenges, and the                               Source – Medical Plastics News
          future trajectory of the biodegradable polymer

          Anti-fog additive masterbatches

                                                                face, which occurs due to the condensation of
                                                                water droplets. This additive reduces the surface
                                                                tension of the water droplets, causing them to
                                                                spread into a continuous transparent film rather
                                                                than forming individual droplets that scatter light
                                                                and cause fogging. This maintains the transpar-
                                                                ency of the plastic surface. This is especially im-
                                                                portant in applications like hot & cold food pack-
                                                                aging, automotive parts, agricultural films, and
                                                                optical devices where clarity matters.
                 andui Industries Pvt. Ltd. has developed
                 the Anti-Fog additive masterbatch for
          Kplastics to prevent fogging on the sur-

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