Page 69 - Plastics News September 2024
P. 69


          Masterpress presents sustainable technologies

          for decorative packaging

          Key Highlights:                                       fair for packaging, technology and processing,
                                                                between 24 and 26 September, in Nuremberg,
          ♦   Masterpress will present products and ad-         Germany. At the event, Masterpress will pre-
             vanced technologies that demonstrate its           sent products and advanced technologies that
             commitment and dedication to merging aes-          demonstrate its commitment and dedication to
             thetics and quality with sustainability and in-    merging aesthetics and quality with sustainabil-
             novation at FACHPACK.
                                                                ity and innovation.
          ♦   Visitors will be able to learn how by harness-
             ing different printing technologies, including     Gabriel Magdaleno,  strategic  product manage-
             hybrid printing, as well as special effects,       ment & marketing director, Masterpress: “For al-
             efficient application, brand protection, and       most three decades, we have been a partner for
             print quality.                                     our customers, offering creative and functional
                                                                printed packaging that enhances the visibility of
          ♦   Masterpress will also present the TINE 300g       their products. The decorative packaging indus-
             Dairy Cup Sleeve that encompasses the              try is evolving in response to increasing environ-
             company’s commitment to sustainability and         mental awareness and consumer demand for
             reflects Recyclass’ "designed-for-recycling"       sustainable solutions.
                                                                "The future of packaging entails employing di-
                                                                verse  materials  and  technologies  to  minimise
                                                                ecological impact. At FACHPACK 2024, we will
                                                                unveil our latest innovations in high-quality, recy-
                                                                clable packaging designed to meet the diverse
                                                                needs of our customers across various indus-

                                                                Sustainability at the forefront of print and pack-
                                                                aging solutions

                                                                Masterpress’s  FACHPACK  showcase will focus
                                                                on shrink sleeve solutions and its comprehensive
                                                                capabilities encompassing sleeve label produc-
                                                                tion,  self-adhesive  labels,  label  application  ser-
                                                                vices, and full sleeve application lines.

                                                                Visitors will be able to learn how by harnessing
                                                                different printing technologies, including hybrid
          Masterpress,  a  European  provider  of  printed      printing, as well as special effects, efficient ap-
          decorative packaging solutions, will exhibit at       plication, brand protection, and print quality. This
          FACHPACK, the  international  European trade

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